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- Ben Wride Edginton found inBen Wride Edginton from tree The Family Tree
Record information. Birth South Australia, Australia Death South Australia, Australia No publicly available family members319 People0 Records1 Source - Kylie Moana Egenton
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia No publicly available family members10 People0 Records0 Sources - Irene Aigenitou
Record information. Birth Greece No publicly available family members30 People3 Records3 Sources - Jason AgentJason Agent from tree Agent Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1970 Australia Death Australia No publicly available family members272 People0 Records0 Sources - Annissa Valmai Agintas found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1946- ) Record information. Mother (Died ) 717 People0 Records0 Sources - Gregory Clive Edginton found in
Record information. Birth Oxfordshire, England No publicly available family members78595 People1 Record1 Source - Cass AgentasCass Agentas from tree Agentas Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1953 New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia No publicly available family members3 People0 Records0 Sources - Ann Therese Edginton found inAnn Therese Edginton from tree Mujic Family Tree
Record information. Birth South Australia, Australia Marriage South Australia, Australia Residence Western Australia, Australia Death South Australia, Australia Record information. Father (1914- ) Mother (1918- ) Spouse Miklos Magasdi (1952- ) 10930 People3 Records8 Sources - Annette EgintonAnnette Eginton from tree Rogers Family Tree
Record information. Birth East New Britain, Papua New Guinea Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1929- ) Record information. Mother (1929- ) 896 People0 Records0 Sources - Philip Hughes Edginton found inPhilip Hughes Edginton from tree Carne Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1952 South Australia, Australia Death South Australia, Australia Record information. Father (1914- ) Record information. Mother (1918- ) 57965 People2 Records5 Sources - Marija Biruta (Ruth) Howell (nee Agentas) found in
Record information. Birth 1947 Germany Death Western Australia, Australia Record information. Father (1918- ) Mother (1908- ) 717 People1 Record2 Sources - Alfonsas Agintas found inAlfonsas Agintas from tree Toner to Holmes Family Tree
Record information. Birth Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1918- ) Mother (1908- ) Spouse Leila Valmai Hartley (Died ) 717 People1 Record3 Sources - Peter Donald EDGINTON found in
Record information. Birth 1944 South Australia, Australia No publicly available family members96108 People2 Records2 Sources - Janice Fay Egenton
Record information. Birth 1939 No publicly available family members169 People2 Records2 Sources - August Georg (Gus) Augeneder found in
Record information. Birth Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austria Death South Australia, Australia Record information. Father 3545 People0 Records0 Sources - Sheila Ellen Edgington found inSheila Ellen Edgington from tree shelly's tree
Record information. Birth 1938 Residence Torrance, New Mexico, USA Death Record information. Father (1901- ) Mother (1908- ) Spouse Leslie Edward Doherty (1934- ) 238024 People2 Records3 Sources - Stanley Norman Edginton found inStanley Norman Edginton from tree GOLDFINCH Family Tree
Record information. Birth Staffordshire, England Marriage New South Wales, Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1914- ) Record information. Mother (1917- ) 1618 People6 Records6 Sources - Genovaite Genna Agentas found inGenovaite Genna Agentas from tree Cotterill Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1936 Lithuania Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1900- ) Mother (1908- ) Spouse Butterfield 5393 People0 Records2 Sources - Jenny AgentasJenny Agentas from tree Butterfield Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1936 Lithuania Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Mother Spouse Robert john Butterfield (Born 1931) 4 People0 Records0 Sources - Peter Graham Edginton found inPeter Graham Edginton from tree GOLDFINCH Family Tree
Record information. Birth Warwickshire, England Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1914- ) Mother (1917- ) Spouse Josephine Therese Keating (1943- ) 1618 People9 Records9 Sources
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