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Record information. Birth 1933 Alabama, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Spouse RICHARD KEITH (1914- ) 9 People0 Records0 Sources - Alexander Iassc found inAlexander Iassc from tree Kennedy Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1896 Russia Residence McLean, North Dakota, USA Record information. Mother (1855- ) 37173 People1 Record1 Source - Simon IasscSimon Iassc from tree Kennedy Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1894 Russia Residence McLean, North Dakota, USA Record information. Mother (1855- ) 37173 People1 Record1 Source - Bernhart IasscBernhart Iassc from tree Kennedy Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1892 Russia Residence McLean, North Dakota, USA Record information. Mother (1855- ) 37173 People1 Record1 Source - Lincolnie Isaac found inLincolnie Isaac from tree Hastings Family Tree
Record information. Birth Bureau, Illinois, USA Marriage Residence Allen, Kansas, USA Death Cleveland, Oklahoma, USA Record information. Father (1826- ) Mother (1838- ) Spouse Albert Black Bainum (1854- ) 63170 People6 Records30 Sources - John Iassc found in
Record information. Birth 1775 Ireland No publicly available family members1401 People0 Records0 Sources - Jacob Isaac found inJacob Isaac from tree Smith/Georgeson tree
Record information. Birth Wiltshire, England Marriage Wiltshire, England Residence Cedar, Missouri, USA Death Wiltshire, England Record information. Father (1697- ) Mother (1702- ) Spouse Alice Giddings (Died ) 4717 People7 Records15 Sources - Jeff OskeyJeff Oskey from tree Jan's Family for FTM 2017
Record information. Death No publicly available family members353400 People0 Records0 Sources - Hossein Abdi OskouiHossein Abdi Oskoui from tree Family Tree
Record information. Death Tehran, Iran No publicly available family members101 People0 Records0 Sources - Kingsley O A Anyiam-osigwe
Record information. Marriage London, England Death London, England Record information. Father (Died ) Record information. Mother (1926- ) 12748 People1 Record1 Source - Alice AskewAlice Askew from tree Calaby Family Tree
Record information. Birth Suffolk, England Residence Suffolk, England Death Suffolk, England Record information. Spouse Herbert Calaby (Died ) 7 People0 Records0 Sources - Kenneth Bernard ASKEW
Record information. Death USA No publicly available family members1926 People1 Record1 Source - Nettie Overby AyscueNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
9 People0 Records0 Sources - Goolam EssackNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
227 People0 Records0 Sources - Darlene Marie Ewaskiw found inDarlene Marie Ewaskiw from tree OurRelatives
Record information. Death No publicly available family members19685 People1 Record2 Sources - Harold EwaskiwHarold Ewaskiw from tree OurRelatives
Record information. Death Record information. Father (Died ) Record information. Mother (Died ) 19685 People0 Records0 Sources - Nick EwaskiwNick Ewaskiw from tree OurRelatives
Record information. Death Record information. Spouse Annie Cherniawski (Died ) 19685 People0 Records0 Sources - Irene IsaacIrene Isaac from tree Jones Family Tree
Record information. Death Kanawha, West Virginia, USA Record information. Father (1892- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse Hughlen Jones Sr. (1928- ) 30 People0 Records0 Sources - Miriam Sally IsaacMiriam Sally Isaac from tree Arnall Family Tree
Record information. Death Los Angeles, California, USA Record information. Father Mother Spouse Roland Edmund Arnall (Died ) 16 People0 Records0 Sources - Sharon IsaacSharon Isaac from tree Solomon Family Tree
Record information. Birth Bruce, Ontario, Canada Death Bruce, Ontario, Canada No publicly available family members12 People1 Record1 Source
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