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- Brigitte Anni Hitler found in
Record information. Birth Ostallgäu, Bavaria, Germany Marriage Maui, Hawaii, USA Death Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Record information. Father (1889- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse Malcolm Omowale Little (1925- ) 17657 People0 Records0 Sources - Cassamdraanna Nagel Hitler found inCassamdraanna Nagel Hitler from tree Presidents, Generals and Royalty 2024_2024-09-05_2024-09-12_2024-11-10_2024-11-10(2)
Record information. Birth 1935 Germany Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1889- ) Record information. Mother (1912- ) 19685 People0 Records0 Sources - Anna Nagel found inAnna Nagel from tree cameron wyatte
Record information. Birth 1935 Germany Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1889- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse Harold Wyatte (1936- ) 9 People0 Records0 Sources - Adolf hitlerAdolf hitler from tree Adolf hitler Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1889 Australia Death No publicly available family members2 People0 Records0 Sources - Lazar Hirsch HittlerLazar Hirsch Hittler from tree Manning Family Tree
Record information. Birth Ternopil, Ukraine Marriage Austria Residence New South Wales, Australia Death Record information. Father (Born 1835) Mother (1850- ) Spouse Chawa Ester Drettler (Born 1894) 5379 People3 Records3 Sources - Frederic Henri HittlerFrederic Henri Hittler from tree Peyper Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1873 France Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1844- ) Mother (1850- ) Spouse Georgina Bellum/Belhomme (Died ) 27888 People0 Records0 Sources - Johann HitlerNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
11 People0 Records0 Sources - John Gebhardt Hedtler found in
Record information. Birth 1823 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada No publicly available family members5564 People10 Records17 Sources - Robert Johann Huttler found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia No publicly available family members102774 People2 Records5 Sources - Colleen Margaret Gould found inColleen Margaret Gould from tree Hadler Family Tree
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1937- ) Record information. Mother (1938- ) 92 People2 Records5 Sources - patrick hadlerNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
5 People0 Records0 Sources - Louise Frances Heidler found in
Record information. Birth Kanawha, West Virginia, USA Marriage Buckinghamshire, England Residence Cornwall, England Death Devon, England Record information. Father (1920- ) Record information. Mother (1918- ) 69742 People4 Records6 Sources - Ursula Heidler
Record information. Birth Western Australia, Australia No publicly available family members72071 People0 Records0 Sources - Hugh Vernon Hudler found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Texas, USA No publicly available family members1739 People14 Records14 Sources - Rosemary Isabel Celia Hadler found in
Record information. Birth Kent, England No publicly available family members4116 People4 Records5 Sources - Jean Francis Hadler found in
Record information. Birth Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA No publicly available family members6129 People0 Records0 Sources - Luke Ronaldo Nazi Ben Carl George Hotler
Record information. Birth 1938 Germany Death Australia Record information. Father (1912- ) Record information. Mother (1915- ) 17 People0 Records0 Sources - Christine Valerie Hadler found inChristine Valerie Hadler from tree Hadler Total Private
Record information. Birth Kent, England Marriage Kent, England Residence Kent, England Death Kent, England Record information. Father (1904- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse Royale Frederick Lindridge (1908- ) 13738 People5 Records10 Sources - Valerie Ann Hadler found inValerie Ann Hadler from tree Hadler Total Private
Record information. Birth Kent, England Marriage Kent, England Residence Western Australia, Australia Death Western Australia, Australia Record information. Father (1908- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse Harold John Sendles (1932- ) 13738 People4 Records5 Sources - Johann Hans Huttler found in
Record information. Birth Graz, Styria, Austria No publicly available family members102774 People10 Records10 Sources
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