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- Petrina Anne Enders found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Death Record information. Father (1938- ) Mother (1934- ) Spouse End of Line 58060 People3 Records3 Sources - Cameron John Enders found inCameron John Enders from tree Enders Family Tree
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1938- ) Record information. Mother (1934- ) 871 People1 Record3 Sources - Cameron John Enders found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1938- ) Record information. Mother (1934- ) 58060 People3 Records3 Sources - Peter Leslie Enders found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members319 People0 Records0 Sources - Glenn Stanley ENDERS found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members38348 People3 Records3 Sources - Kenneth Raymond EndersKenneth Raymond Enders from tree Kelly Family Tree
Record information. Residence Queensland, Australia Death No publicly available family members336 People8 Records8 Sources - Margaret EndersMargaret Enders from tree Chapman Family Tree
Record information. Birth Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father Record information. Mother 14 People0 Records0 Sources - franklin phillip endersfranklin phillip enders from tree murphy Family Tree
Record information. Birth Death Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members27 People0 Records0 Sources - Neville Joseph ENDERS found inNeville Joseph ENDERS from tree Mary's-Family
Record information. Birth Emanuel, Georgia, USA Death Record information. Father (1917- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1924) 10418 People1 Record1 Source - Ingeborg Paula Enders found inIngeborg Paula Enders from tree Brien Family Tree
Record information. Birth Berlin, Germany Marriage Queensland, Australia Residence Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1871- ) Mother (Died ) Spouse Leroy George Cooke (1919- ) 1908 People6 Records7 Sources - Robert 'Bobbie' George Enders found in
Record information. Birth Queensland, Australia Residence Australian Capital Territory, Australia Death Australian Capital Territory, Australia Record information. Father (1908- ) Record information. Mother (1917- ) 4909 People5 Records8 Sources - Marian Virginia Enders found inMarian Virginia Enders from tree Ulmer Family Tree
Record information. Birth Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1906- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1911) 4561 People2 Records2 Sources - Keith Bryant ENDERS found inKeith Bryant ENDERS from tree Howe & Newton Trees
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1903- ) Record information. Mother (1903- ) 15367 People4 Records10 Sources - David John Enders found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Marriage Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Spouse Thelma Mary Hendy (1934- ) 58060 People4 Records4 Sources - Miriam Janet Carr found inMiriam Janet Carr from tree Enders Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1937 New Jersey, USA Residence Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA Marriage Virginia, USA Death Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA Record information. Father (Born 1915) Record information. Mother (1915- ) 244 People3 Records7 Sources - Joan Margaret ENDERS found inJoan Margaret ENDERS from tree Mary's-Family
Record information. Birth 1936 Queensland, Australia Death Record information. Father (1910- ) Record information. Mother (1913- ) 10418 People2 Records5 Sources - Monika Enders
Record information. Birth 1936 Berlin, Germany No publicly available family members416 People2 Records3 Sources - Janice Isabel LEMASS found inJanice Isabel LEMASS from tree Jan's Family Tree
Record information. Birth Queensland, Australia Marriage Queensland, Australia Residence Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1887- ) Mother (1906- ) Spouse Kevin James ENDERS (1934- ) 8616 People11 Records18 Sources - Patricia Ann Enders found inPatricia Ann Enders from tree McMullen Family Tree
Record information. Birth Wayne, Michigan, USA Residence Oakland, Michigan, USA Death Livingston, Michigan, USA Record information. Father (Born 1917) Mother (Born 1918) Spouse Ronald Grant Enders (1931- ) 590 People8 Records11 Sources - Edith Beverley Enders found in
Record information. Birth 1934 Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members54 People3 Records3 Sources
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