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  1. Freda DWASZ found in

    Freda DWASZ from tree DR families (Private)
    Record information.
    Birthxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Lubelskie, Poland
    No publicly available family members
    1117 People4 Records6 Sources
  2. Anthony Dutch

    Record information.
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx South Australia, Australia
    Record information.
    Fatherxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx (1930-xxxx )
    Record information.
    Motherxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx (1925-xxxx )
    1270 People0 Records0 Sources
  3. Margaret Dutch found in

    Record information.
    Birthxx xxx Tasmania, Australia
    Deathxxxx Tasmania, Australia
    Record information.
    Fatherxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx (1907-xxxx )
    SpouseRoderick Albert Hills (1931-xxxx )
    65 People0 Records0 Sources
  4. Brian Edward Dash

    Record information.
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx New South Wales, Australia
    Record information.
    SpouseChristine Marie Quinlan (1944-xxxx )
    43116 People0 Records0 Sources
  5. Andrea Tesch

    Record information.
    Deathxxxx Queensland, Australia
    Record information.
    Motherxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx (1926-xxxx )
    7355 People0 Records0 Sources
  6. Sabatino Tucci

    Record information.
    Deathx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx Victoria, Australia
    Record information.
    Record information.
    83 People0 Records0 Sources
  7. Francis Dechow

    No publicly available LifeStory events
    No publicly available family members
    3328 People0 Records0 Sources
  8. Marie Tesch found in

    Record information.
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx New South Wales, Australia
    No publicly available family members
    772 People0 Records0 Sources
  9. Andrea judith Tesch

    Record information.
    BirthQueensland, Australia
    Deathxxxx xxxxxxx Queensland, Australia
    No publicly available family members
    3 People0 Records0 Sources
  10. Vincenzo Tuccio

    No publicly available LifeStory events
    No publicly available family members
    62 People0 Records0 Sources
  11. Loma Dash

    Record information.
    Residencexxxxxxxxx New South Wales, Australia
    Record information.
    SpouseBayne Dash
    42 People1 Record1 Source
  12. Erasmo Di Tucci

    Record information.
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx New South Wales, Australia
    Record information.
    SpouseFrancesca DeMeo (1934-xxxx )
    313 People0 Records0 Sources
  13. Giuseppe Tuccia

    No publicly available LifeStory events
    No publicly available family members
    12 People0 Records0 Sources
  14. Manuel Justin Tucci found in

    Record information.
    Birthx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx Victoria, Australia
    No publicly available family members
    9 People0 Records0 Sources
  15. John (Jackie) Charles Dutch

    No publicly available LifeStory events
    No publicly available family members
    1272 People0 Records2 Sources
  16. Scott James DAISH found in

    Record information.
    Birthxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx South Australia, Australia
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx South Australia, Australia
    No publicly available family members
    5163 People1 Record1 Source
  17. Vladislav Tichy found in

    Record information.
    Deathxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx South Australia, Australia
    Record information.
    SpouseOlive Selina Edwards (1935-xxxx )
    506 People1 Record1 Source
  18. Caterina Tucci found in

    Record information.
    Birthxxxxxxxxxx Vibo Valentia, Calabria, Italy
    Deathxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Victoria, Australia
    Record information.
    SpouseDomenico Antonio Nesci
    7 People0 Records0 Sources
  19. Frank Dash

    Record information.
    Birthxxxxxx New South Wales, Australia
    Marriagexx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx New South Wales, Australia
    Deathx xxxx xxxx
    Record information.
    SpouseRobyn Alice Cunningham (1929-xxxx )
    842 People0 Records0 Sources
  20. Travis Tosh

    Record information.
    Birthx xxxx 1981 Australia
    No publicly available family members
    1428 People0 Records0 Sources