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- Norma AmendNorma Amend from tree Sinclair Family Tree
Record information. Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father Record information. Mother 25 People0 Records0 Sources - Norma Amend
Record information. Residence Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Spouse Anton Amend (1930- ) 16264 People2 Records2 Sources - Margarethe Amend found inMargarethe Amend from tree TGDGenealogien-1_2011-09-18
Record information. Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Spouse Dieterich 18137 People0 Records0 Sources - Elisabeth Hedwig AmendElisabeth Hedwig Amend from tree jodrexel_280124
Record information. Birth Main-Spessart, Bavaria, Germany Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Spouse Franz Herrmann (1938- ) 637 People0 Records1 Source - Anton Amend
Record information. Birth 1930 Germany Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Spouse Norma Amend 16264 People1 Record1 Source - Dexter Roland Amend found inDexter Roland Amend from tree Baker Family Tree
Record information. Birth Multnomah, Oregon, USA Marriage Clark, Washington, USA Residence Multnomah, Oregon, USA Record information. Father (1875- ) Mother (1882- ) Spouse M Yvonne Wilson (1923- ) 17555 People9 Records9 Sources - Luise Dorothea AMEND found in
Record information. Birth 1897 Marburg An Der Lahn, Hesse, Germany No publicly available family members40863 People0 Records0 Sources - Isaac Fishburn Amend found inIsaac Fishburn Amend from tree Foster Family Tree-1
Record information. Birth Morrow, Ohio, USA Residence Lancashire, England Death Lancashire, England Record information. Father (1843- ) Mother (1843- ) Spouse Emma Eliza Jones (1891- ) 4854 People11 Records11 Sources - Bruce Raymond Emond found inBruce Raymond Emond from tree Williams Family Tree
Record information. Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Mother (1921- ) 1927 People0 Records0 Sources - Clifton Wheet Smith Aumont found inClifton Wheet Smith Aumont from tree Family Tree
Record information. Birth USA Residence Victoria, Australia Death Record information. Spouse Elizabeth Buchanan (1925- ) 68 People2 Records3 Sources - Gary John Aumont found inGary John Aumont from tree Urquhart-Sim 8
Record information. Birth 1967 USA Death No publicly available family members10733 People0 Records0 Sources - Caroline Francis Ament found inCaroline Francis Ament from tree O'Sullivan
Record information. Marriage New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Spouse Ernest Francis Henry (Ernie) Constable (1903- ) 4109 People2 Records5 Sources - Aileen May AmentNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
990 People7 Records7 Sources - Claudine Emond found in
Record information. Birth Quebec (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canada Death Quebec (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canada Record information. Father (1926- ) Record information. Mother (1928- ) 6201 People1 Record3 Sources - John Keith Emond found inJohn Keith Emond from tree Leong & Emond Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1956 Scotland Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1931- ) 259 People1 Record1 Source - Marie Ellen Emond found in
Record information. Birth 1953 Australia No publicly available family members845 People0 Records0 Sources - Alwyn Thomas Emond found inAlwyn Thomas Emond from tree Taylor Family Tree
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1921- ) Record information. Mother (1922- ) 34059 People1 Record2 Sources - Graeme Thomas Emond found inGraeme Thomas Emond from tree Knight Family Tree
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Victoria, Australia Record information. Father (1903- ) Record information. Mother (1909- ) 2401 People4 Records8 Sources - Allan William Emond jr found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia No publicly available family members845 People0 Records0 Sources - Colin Douglas Ament found inColin Douglas Ament from tree Vicini e vari
Record information. Birth Anshun, Guizhou, China Marriage Queensland, Australia Residence Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1909- ) Record information. Mother (1904- ) 4096 People6 Records7 Sources
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