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- Cheryl Mary McLagan found in
Record information. Birth Angus, Scotland Death Angus, Scotland Record information. Father (1946- ) Record information. Mother (1960- ) 42377 People2 Records2 Sources - Elizabeth Mary Jane McLagan found in
Record information. Birth 1948 Renfrewshire, Scotland Marriage London, England Death Surrey, England Record information. Mother (1925- ) 7756 People1 Record4 Sources - Mary Christie MclaganMary Christie Mclagan from tree Falconer Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1940 Death Record information. Father (1895- ) Record information. Mother (1902- ) 47 People0 Records0 Sources - Mary Jean McLagan found in
Record information. Birth Goodhue, Minnesota, USA Marriage Olmsted, Minnesota, USA Residence Olmsted, Minnesota, USA Death Olmsted, Minnesota, USA Record information. Father (1898- ) Mother (1900- ) Spouse Dee Lamont McLagan (1932- ) 419 People9 Records12 Sources - Mary Lou McLaganMary Lou McLagan from tree Johann Koch 109 Eming Street
Record information. Birth Hamilton, Ohio, USA Marriage Virginia, USA Death Cass, Missouri, USA Record information. Father (1903- ) Record information. Mother (1904- ) 155 People2 Records2 Sources - Mary McLaganNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
998 People1 Record1 Source - Eileen Agnes Mary McLagan found in
Record information. Birth Cambridgeshire, England No publicly available family members625 People11 Records13 Sources - Mary Oliphant Mclagan found in
Record information. Birth Wainwright, Alberta, Canada Marriage Calgary, Alberta, Canada Residence Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Death Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Record information. Father (1877- ) Mother (1881- ) Spouse Rudolphe Foch Lamothe (1920- ) 4085 People3 Records5 Sources - Mary Faulds McLagan found inMary Faulds McLagan from tree Laura Family Tree
Record information. Birth Stirlingshire, Scotland Death Stirlingshire, Scotland Record information. Father (1891- ) Mother (1890- ) Spouse Gustave Stromberg (1916- ) 671 People4 Records4 Sources - Elizabeth Mary McLagan found in
Record information. Birth British Columbia, Canada No publicly available family members1147 People3 Records9 Sources - Mary Gordon Cumming McLagan found in
Record information. Birth 1920 No publicly available family members95 People0 Records1 Source - May Thom McLagan found inMay Thom McLagan from tree Turner Family Tree
Record information. Birth Angus, Scotland Marriage Lancashire, England Residence Lancashire, England Death Lancashire, England Record information. Father (Born 1890) Mother (1889- ) Spouse Herbert Edmund Hamerton (Born 1911) 452 People6 Records7 Sources - Ivy Beatrice Mary McLagan Pugh found in
Record information. Birth London, England Marriage Middlesex, Ontario, Canada Residence Surrey, England Death Yorkshire, England Record information. Father (1868- ) Mother (1871- ) Spouse Robert Pugh (1910- ) 1434 People6 Records7 Sources - Mary Brodie Mclagan found inMary Brodie Mclagan from tree Hargreaves-Rathbone
Record information. Birth 1915 Scotland Marriage Lancashire, England Residence Lancashire, England Death Scotland Record information. Spouse Thomas Edwin McGarry (1914- ) 4687 People3 Records4 Sources - Mary Keir McLagan found in
Record information. Birth Angus, Scotland No publicly available family members38 People0 Records0 Sources - Mary Kathryn Durkee found inMary Kathryn Durkee from tree Pat's Tree
Record information. Birth Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Marriage Winona, Minnesota, USA Residence Ramsey, Minnesota, USA Death Hennepin, Minnesota, USA Record information. Father (1880- ) Mother (1884- ) Spouse Murray Frederick McLagan (1914- ) 1397 People11 Records15 Sources - Mary Clark McLagan found inMary Clark McLagan from tree hughes Family Tree
Record information. Birth Fife, Scotland Marriage New South Wales, Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1886- ) Mother (1888- ) Spouse Frank Oliver Page (1914- ) 31457 People17 Records19 Sources - Mary McLagan found inMary McLagan from tree S. Carbo Family Tree
Record information. Birth Hartford, Connecticut, USA Residence Ocean, New Jersey, USA Death Record information. Father Mother Spouse Hinton Ira Smith (1911- ) 12886 People3 Records4 Sources - Elizabeth Mary McLagan
Record information. Birth Perthshire, Scotland No publicly available family members1147 People0 Records0 Sources - Mary Jaffray McLagan found inMary Jaffray McLagan from tree Forbes-Petrie 2024
Record information. Birth Perthshire, Scotland Marriage Perthshire, Scotland Death Perthshire, Scotland Record information. Father (Born 1865) Mother (1871- ) Spouse James Morrison 49671 People0 Records2 Sources
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