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- Frederick Adrian Russell Fenton found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members1531 People7 Records9 Sources - Frederick Arthur Russell FENTONNo publicly available LifeStory eventsNo publicly available family members
583 People2 Records2 Sources - Frederick Arthur Raper Fenton found inFrederick Arthur Raper Fenton from tree Family Tree
Record information. Birth Middlesex, England Residence Middlesex, England Record information. Father (Born 1812) Record information. Mother (Born 1814) 249758 People2 Records2 Sources - Russell FentonRussell Fenton from tree cutter2020
Record information. Death Record information. Spouse Francis Elizabeth Barker (1921- ) 51465 People0 Records0 Sources - Jason Russell Fenton found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members6 People0 Records1 Source - Adrian FentonAdrian Fenton from tree hartleyfamilyDNA2015
Record information. Birth Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Death Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Record information. Father (Born 1938) 13204 People0 Records0 Sources - Russell Grant Fenton
Record information. Birth 1962 Illinois, USA Marriage South Carolina, USA Residence Illinois, USA Death Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA Record information. Father (1929- ) 99608 People15 Records15 Sources - Alford Russell Fenton
Record information. Birth Yazoo, Mississippi, USA Death Dallas, Texas, USA No publicly available family members460 People0 Records0 Sources - Jeremy Russell Fenton found inJeremy Russell Fenton from tree Bedford Family Tree
Record information. Birth Yorkshire, England Marriage Yorkshire, England Residence Yorkshire, England Death Yorkshire, England Record information. Father (1927- ) Mother (1928- ) Spouse Claire Atherne Fenton nee Sanderson nee Howram (1967- ) 5964 People6 Records6 Sources - adrian fenton
Record information. Birth Warwickshire, England No publicly available family members4 People0 Records0 Sources - Russell Richard FentonRussell Richard Fenton from tree Gothard Family Tree
Record information. Birth New Zealand Residence New Zealand Death Australia Record information. Father Record information. Mother 19 People5 Records5 Sources - David Russell Fenton found inDavid Russell Fenton from tree Parkes Family Tree
Record information. Birth Washington, Pennsylvania, USA Residence Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Death Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Record information. Father (1931- ) Record information. Mother (1933- ) 20776 People6 Records8 Sources - Neil Russell Fenton found inNeil Russell Fenton from tree Fenton Family Tree
Record information. Birth Cheshire, England Death Lancashire, England Record information. Father (1917- ) Record information. Mother (1927- ) 3082 People1 Record1 Source - Russell Fenton found in
Record information. Birth British Columbia, Canada Death British Columbia, Canada Record information. Father (Born 1919) Record information. Mother (1926- ) 386665 People0 Records1 Source - Russell W Fenton found inRussell W Fenton from tree Fenton Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1949 Residence Stark, Ohio, USA Death Stark, Ohio, USA Record information. Father (1911- ) Record information. Mother (1921- ) 120 People2 Records2 Sources - Peter Russell Fenton found inPeter Russell Fenton from tree My Fenton Family Tree
Record information. Birth London, England Marriage Kent, England Residence Kent, England Death Kent, England Record information. Father (1923- ) Mother (1923- ) Spouse Mandy O'Reilly (1956- ) 2439 People3 Records4 Sources - Loren Russell Fenton found in
Record information. Birth 1944 Oklahoma, USA Residence Creek, Oklahoma, USA Death Record information. Father (1920- ) Record information. Mother (1922- ) 36505 People2 Records2 Sources - Merrilyn Marilyn Fenton found inMerrilyn Marilyn Fenton from tree Davis Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1940 Auckland, New Zealand Death Auckland, New Zealand Record information. Father (1902- ) Mother (1904- ) Spouse John Davis (1935- ) 64 People2 Records6 Sources - Alexander Russell FENTON found in
Record information. Birth Fife, Scotland No publicly available family members45658 People0 Records2 Sources - John Russell Fenton found inJohn Russell Fenton from tree Donelson Family Tree
Record information. Birth Los Angeles, California, USA Marriage Residence Los Angeles, California, USA Death Ventura, California, USA Record information. Father (1895- ) Mother (1895- ) Spouse Dianne June Bruce (1943- ) 37736 People13 Records16 Sources
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