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Record information. Name W RetterbackBirth abt 1829Departure Dec. 1879 Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name J RetterbackBirth abt 1843Departure Dec. 1879 Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name Miss RederbackOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Mr RederbackOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Rether RitterbackOther Birth Departure x xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival Quebec, Canada
- Birthabt 1829DepartureDec. 1879Victoria, AustraliaWeb: Victoria, Australia, Outward Passenger Index, 1852-1915Passenger Lists
- Birthabt 1843DepartureDec. 1879Victoria, AustraliaWeb: Victoria, Australia, Outward Passenger Index, 1852-1915Passenger Lists
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureEnglandArrivalQuebec, CanadaUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists