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Record information. Name Demick HubyackBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx New York, New YorkRecord information. Name Demick HubyackChildren Departure Residence New York, USARecord information. Name Demick HubyackRecord information. Name Demick Hubyack- New York, U.S., Index to Petitions for Naturalization filed in New York City, 1792-1989Citizenship & Naturalisation
Record information. Name Demick Hubyack Record information. Name Pauline HubyackChildren Birth - U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
Record information. Name Joseph Huback[Joseph Hubacek] - U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
Record information. Name Pauline Hubyock - U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
Record information. Name George HubackBirth Arrival Record information. Name Theodore HubbackRelative Birth xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx EnglandDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx New York, New York, USARecord information. Name Ann HubackBirth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx New York, New York, USARecord information. Name Adolf HubackResidence Record information. Name Christoph HubackOrigin Departure Arrival xxx xx xxxx New YorkRecord information. Name Chr A HubbackRecord information. Name J HubbackBirth abt 1837Departure Sep. 1856 Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name Maryna HubyakBirth Departure xx xxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx Deutschland (Germany)Arrival Boulogne; Plymouth; New YorkResidence Record information. Name Roy HubackArrival xx xxxx xxxx St Johns, Newfoundland, CanadaRecord information. Name Arthur G HubbackBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Eliz HubbackBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Stefan HubyakDeparture xxxxxxx GermanyArrival xx xxxx xxxx Port of New York, New York, United States
- BirthDepartureArrivalNew York, New YorkNew York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943Citizenship & Naturalisation
- ChildrenDepartureResidenceNew York, USANew York, U.S., Naturalization Records, 1882-1944Citizenship & Naturalisation
- New York, U.S., Naturalization Records, 1882-1944Citizenship & Naturalisation
- New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943Citizenship & Naturalisation
- New York, U.S., Index to Petitions for Naturalization filed in New York City, 1792-1989Citizenship & Naturalisation
- ChildrenBirthNew York, U.S., Naturalization Records, 1882-1944Citizenship & Naturalisation
- [Joseph Hubacek]U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
- U.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
- BirthArrivalU.S., Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)Citizenship & Naturalisation
- RelativeBirthEnglandDepartureArrivalNew York, New York, USACanada, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1865-1935Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalNew York, New York, USA
- OriginDepartureArrivalNew York
- California, U.S., State Court Naturalization Records, 1850-1986Citizenship & Naturalisation
- Birthabt 1837DepartureSep. 1856Victoria, AustraliaWeb: Victoria, Australia, Outward Passenger Index, 1852-1915Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureDeutschland (Germany)ArrivalBoulogne; Plymouth; New YorkResidenceHamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934Passenger Lists
- ArrivalSt Johns, Newfoundland, CanadaCanada, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1865-1935Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalLondon, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalLondon, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- DepartureGermanyArrivalPort of New York, New York, United StatesNew York Port, Ship Images, 1851-1891Passenger Lists