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Record information. Name John Adam Neimeyer[John Adam Niemeyer]Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx Meigs County, Ohio, USARecord information. Name George Neimeyer[George Niemeyer]Relative xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx NeimeyerBirth Residence xxxxxxxxx Kent County, Michigan, USA- Missouri, U.S. Pre-World War II Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Victor O Neimeyer or NiemeyerBirth Military Record information. Name H Woodis Niemeyer[H Woodis Neimeyer]Military Record information. Name August Neimeyer or NiemeyerBirth Residence xxxxxx xxxxx PARecord information. Name August Niemeyer or NeimeyerBirth Death xx xxxx 1960Residence xxxxxx xxxxx PA- U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Private Bernhardt Neimeyer[Private Bernhardt Niemeyer] - U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Private Edward Neimeyer[Private Edward Niemeyer]Military Missouri - U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Private H L Neimeyer[Private Henry W L Niemeyer]Military Wisconsin - U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Private Lorance J Neimeyer[Private Lorance J Niemeyer]Military California Record information. Name Walter Louis Neimeyer[Walter Louis Niemeyer]Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx Allen County, Indiana, USARecord information. Name George Carl Niemeyer[George Carl Neimeyer]Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USARecord information. Name Adolph NeimeyerOther Military Residence Record information. Name John M NeimeyerOther Military Residence Record information. Name John M NeimeyerOther Military Residence - U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
Record information. Name Henrietta NeimeyerBirth Civil - U.S., Lists of Men Ordered to Report to Local Board for Military Duty, 1917–1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
Record information. Name Charle F NeimeyerMilitary xx xxxx xxxx Kenton, KentuckyResidence
- [John Henry Niemeyer]RelativeNeimeyerBirthResidenceFaulk County, South Dakota, USAU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- BirthMilitaryMissouri, U.S. Pre-World War II Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865Draft, Enlistment and Service
- BirthResidencePAU.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- BirthDeath1960ResidencePAU.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- BirthDeath1947ResidenceIllU.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- [Private Bernhardt Niemeyer]U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 1898Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherMilitaryResidenceU.S., Returns from Military Posts, 1806-1916Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- OtherMilitaryResidenceU.S., Returns from Military Posts, 1806-1916Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- OtherMilitaryResidenceU.S., Returns from Military Posts, 1806-1916Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- BirthCivilU.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists
- MilitaryKenton, KentuckyResidenceU.S., Lists of Men Ordered to Report to Local Board for Military Duty, 1917–1918Draft, Enlistment and Service