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Record information. Name Charles GrueberBirth Record information. Name Charles GrueberRecord information. Name Irving E GroberMilitary Record information. Name A C GreeberMilitary Record information. Name Hector Augustine GraeberOther Birth Record information. Name Leslie William GreberOther Birth Record information. Name Francis Marcus John GrueberOther Birth Record information. Name Eric Martin GrieberRelative Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxx New ZealandRecord information. Name Florence Brisbane GraeberOther Birth Record information. Name Christian GreberRecord information. Name Stephen Howard GrueberOther Birth Record information. Name Charles Augustus GraeberRecord information. Name Charles Augustus GraeberRecord information. Name Frank William GrueberOther Birth Record information. Name Arthur Gordon GrueberOther Birth Record information. Name Stanley Albert GraeberOther Birth Record information. Name Harold George GreberOther Birth Record information. Name Allan George GreberBirth Military xxxxxxxxx AustraliaRecord information. Name Edward Stanley GreberBirth Military xxxxxxxxx AustraliaRecord information. Name Lawrence Ephraim GraeberOther Birth
- BirthNew Zealand, World War I Service Records, 1914-1920Draft, Enlistment and Service
- New Zealand, World War I Service Records, 1914-1920Draft, Enlistment and Service
- MilitaryUK, World War I Service Medal and Award Rolls, 1914-1920Awards & Decorations of Honour
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- RelativeResidenceNew ZealandNew Zealand, World War II Army Nominal Rolls, 1939-1948Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service
- BirthMilitaryAustraliaAustralia, Army Militia Service Records, 1901-1940Draft, Enlistment and Service
- BirthMilitaryAustraliaAustralia, Army Militia Service Records, 1901-1940Draft, Enlistment and Service
- OtherBirthAustralia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945Draft, Enlistment and Service