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Record information. Name Georges AsaertBirth abt 1860Residence xxxx xxxxxxxx Seine-Saint-Denis, FranceRecord information. Name Mr Wouter AsaertBirth 1975-1977Residence xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx West Sussex, EnglandRecord information. Name Maria A Cunha-AsaertBirth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Magdalena Helena AsaertBirth xx xxxx 1890Record information. Name M AsaertBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx BelgiumResidence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxx Hampshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Simon V AsaertBirth Residence xxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Guy AsaertBirth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Armond Louis AsaertBirth Civil Record information. Name Magdalena Helena AsaertBirth Record information. Name Mina Elisa AsaertBirth Record information. Name Magdalena Helena AsaertBirth Record information. Name Maria AsaertResidence xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Calvados, FranceRecord information. Name Clemenee Trudenis Hélène AsaertBirth Record information. Name Clemence Prudence Hélène AsaertBirth Record information. Name Mina Elisa AsaertBirth Record information. Name Guy AsaertBirth 1969-1971Residence xxxx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Mr Guy AsaertBirth 1969-1971Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Guy AsaertBirth 1969-1971Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Coralie AsaertBirth Residence xxxx xxxxxxx Var, FranceRecord information. Name André Louis Alphonse AsaertBirth x xxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Nord, FranceResidence xxxx xxxxxx France
- Birthabt 1860ResidenceSeine-Saint-Denis, France
- Birth1975-1977ResidenceWest Sussex, England
- BirthResidenceLondon, England
- Birth1890Netherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-19451900s Censuses
- BirthBelgiumResidenceHampshire, England1891 England Census1890s
- BirthResidenceLondon, England
- BirthResidenceLondon, England
- BirthMarneCivil
- Netherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-19451900s Censuses
- BirthNetherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-19451900s Censuses
- Netherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-19451900s Censuses
- ResidenceCalvados, France
- BirthNetherlands, Population Registers Index, 1720-19451900s Censuses
- Birth1969-1971ResidenceLondon, England
- Birth1969-1971ResidenceLondon, England
- Birth1969-1971ResidenceLondon, England
- BirthResidenceVar, France
- BirthNord, FranceResidenceFrance