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Record information. Name Barbe Angelique RaphaiseBirth Baptism x xxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx Aube, FranceRecord information. Name André Louise RaphaiseBirth Record information. Name Leo RaphaceRecord information. Name Marg Françoise RaphäceRecord information. Name Marc Antoine RaphiceRecord information. Name Theophile RaphaceBirth Marriage x xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx Michigan, USAResidence Record information. Name Demoiselle Anne Caroline RaphiceRecord information. Name Jacques RaphaceDeath abt 1744Record information. Name Raphace RaphaceBirth Record information. Name Anna RaphaceBirth Record information. Name Clemence RophaceRecord information. Name Golsetre RaphuceBirth Record information. Name Andress RophaceRecord information. Name Lhatellies RaphaisBirth Record information. Name Catharina RaphacžBaptism Record information. Name Andrea RaphiseSpouse Elisabeth JozaChildren Record information. Name Annam RaphiseMother Father Baptism Record information. Name Nicolas RaphaisBirth x xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx Aube, FranceRecord information. Name Felix RaphaisBirth xx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx Aube, FranceRecord information. Name Florence Fribourg
- BirthBaptismAube, FranceAube, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1507-1929Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthFranceParis, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1555-1929Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Michigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952Marriage & Divorce
- Marseilles, France Marriages, 1810-1915Marriage & Divorce
- Gard, France, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1791-1912Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthMarriageMichigan, USAResidenceMichigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952Marriage & Divorce
- Gard, France, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1791-1912Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Deathabt 1744Ardennes, France Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1595-1919Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthIdaho, U.S., Death Records, 1890-1971Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- BirthIdaho, U.S., Death Records, 1890-1971Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- Eure, France, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1506-1923Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthFranceHaut Rhin, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1504-1927Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Latvia Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1854-1939Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthSomme, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1526-1996Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismSlovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910Birth, Baptism & Christening
- SpouseElisabeth JozaChildrenHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- MotherFatherBaptismHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthAube, FranceAube, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1507-1929Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthAube, FranceAube, France, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1507-1929Birth, Baptism & Christening
- New York, New York, U.S., Index to Birth Certificates, 1866-1909Birth, Baptism & Christening