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Record information. Name Harvey ReutschlerOther Birth Departure x xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival New York, USARecord information. Name Karl ReutschlerDeath x xxxx 1914Record information. Name Ulrich ReutschlerDeath xx xxxx 1916Record information. Name Karl ReutschlerDeath 1914-1918Record information. Name ReutschlerRecord information. Name Stella I Rentchler / Reutschler Detman / DittmanBirth Death xxx xx 1960Record information. Name Stella I Rentchler / Reutschler Detman / DittmanBirth Death xxx xx 1960Record information. Name Stella I Rentchler / Reutschler Detman / DittmanBirth Death xxx xx 1960Record information. Name Mathew ReutschlerBirth Record information. Name Fred ReutschlerBirth Record information. Name Jessie ReutschlerBirth Death xxx x 1937Record information. Name Maria Louisa ReutschlerBirth Death Record information. Name Baby Boy ReutschlerBirth Death xxx x 1910Record information. Name Christina Johanna Hahnle-ReutschlerBirth Death xxx x 1851Record information. Name Louise ReutschlerBirth Death xxx xx 1826Record information. Name GriffinRecord information. Name Cath ReitschlerRecord information. Name Margaret Kitoria ReitschlerRecord information. Name Mary Reitschler Nee Fogarty
- OtherBirthDepartureEnglandArrivalNew York, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- Death1914Global, Geneanet Cemetery Index, 1500-currentDeath, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- Death1916Global, Geneanet Cemetery Index, 1500-currentDeath, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- Death1914-1918Global, Geneanet Cemetery Index, 1500-currentDeath, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- Victoria, Australia, Death Index, 1840-1992Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
- BirthDeath1933Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthPrivate Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeathPrivate Member PhotosPictures
- Victoria, Australia, Birth Index, 1837-1921Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening