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Record information. Name Mary Pagela SchickBirth Record information. Name Pedro Fernandez PagelaMother xxxxx De PagelaFather Baptism Record information. Name Maria De PagelaRecord information. Name Anna PagelaSpouse Andreas DajkaChildren Record information. Name Michael PagelaSpouse Juditha KartaiRecord information. Name Maria PagelaBaptism Record information. Name PagelaBirth xxxx Nebraska, USARecord information. Name PagelaBirth xxxx Nebraska, USARecord information. Name Jean PagelaRecord information. Name Gregory J PagelaMother Birth xx xxxx xxxx Tulare, CaliforniaRecord information. Name Dorothea Louise PagelaFather xxxxxx PagelBirth xxxx xxxxxxxx Brandenburg, PreußenVital xxxx xxxxxxxx Brandenburg, PreußenRecord information. Name Jose Ysidro Juan Pagela LoyolaBaptism Record information. Name Antonio PagelaRecord information. Name Maria PagelaRecord information. Name Allen Lee PagelaBirth xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx Nebraska, USARecord information. Name Michael PagelaRecord information. Name Anna PagelaMother Baptism Record information. Name Michele PagelaRecord information. Name Friederica PagelaRecord information. Name Caecilia PagelaBaptism xx xxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx Vienna, Austria
- BirthCook County, Illinois, U.S., Birth Certificates Index, 1871-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- MotherDe PagelaFatherBaptismSpain, Select Baptisms, 1502-1940Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Spain, Select Baptisms, 1502-1940Birth, Baptism & Christening
- SpouseAndreas DajkaChildrenHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- SpouseJuditha KartaiHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthNebraska, USAU.S.,™ Birth Index, 1800s-2003Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthNebraska, USAU.S.,™ Birth Index, 1800s-2003Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Saône-et-Loire, France, Birth, Marriage and Death Registers, 1792-1996Birth, Baptism & Christening
- MotherBirthTulare, CaliforniaCalifornia Birth Index, 1905-1995Birth, Baptism & Christening
- FatherPagelBirthBrandenburg, PreußenVitalBrandenburg, PreußenBrandenburg, Germany, Transcripts of Church Records, 1700-1874Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Carinthia, Austria, Catholic Church Registers, 1614-1940Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthNebraska, USAU.S.,™ Birth Index, 1800s-2003Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Hungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- MotherBaptismHungary, Select Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895Birth, Baptism & Christening
- New York, New York, U.S., Index to Birth Certificates, 1866-1909Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismVienna, AustriaVienna, Austria, Catholic Church Registers, 1600-1998Birth, Baptism & Christening