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Record information. Name Mr W K M Henry[W R McHenry]Other Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival New York, USA- New South Wales, Australia, Settler and Convict Lists, 1787-1834Court, Governmental & Criminal Records
- Queensland, Australia, Prison and Reformatory Indexes, 1824-1936Court, Governmental & Criminal Records
Record information. Name George Thompson[George Edw Wilson Henry McHenry] Record information. Name Kathleen Ruth "Kit" Mc Henry (McHenry)Birth Death xxx x 2020Record information. Name Kathleen Ruth "Kit" Mc Henry (McHenry)Birth Death xxx x 2020Record information. Name Kathleen Ruth "Kit" Mc Henry (McHenry)Birth Death xxx x 2020Record information. Name Kathleen Ruth "Kit" Mc Henry (McHenry)Birth Death xxx x 2020Record information. Name Mary Jane McHenry aka McKendry & HenryBirth Death Record information. Name John Machenry[John (Machenry) McHenry]Record information. Name John McKendry[John McHenry]Record information. Name Margarrette A Machenry[Margarrette A (Machenry) McHenry]Birth Record information. Name William Hugh McHendry[William Hugh Mchendry (McHenry}]Birth Record information. Name Ellen Maria McKendry[Ellen Maria McHenry]Birth Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905Record information. Name William McDonald Henry (AKA McHenry)Birth Death xx xxx 1905
- UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- New South Wales, Australia, Settler and Convict Lists, 1787-1834Court, Governmental & Criminal Records
- [George Edw Wilson Henry McHenry]Queensland, Australia, Prison and Reformatory Indexes, 1824-1936Court, Governmental & Criminal Records
- BirthDeathPrivate Member PhotosPictures
- [John (Machenry) McHenry]Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- [John McHenry]Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BirthDeath1905Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1905Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1905Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1905Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1905Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1905Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1905Private Member PhotosPictures