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Record information. Name Tillie Tsipa Wagner AnapollBirth Death xxx xxx 1958Record information. Name Rose AnapolOther Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival New York, USARecord information. Name Miss R AnapolOther Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival Cape Town, South AfricaRecord information. Name Bluma AnapoleOther Birth Departure x xxxx xxxx ScotlandArrival New York, USARecord information. Name Edith Mae AnapoleBirth Death xx xxx 2008Record information. Name Edith Mae AnapoleBirth Death xxx xx 2008Record information. Name Edith Mae AnapoleBirth Death xxx xx 2008Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Edward Eddy AnapolBirth Death xxx 1984Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Edward Eddy AnapolBirth Death xxx 1984Record information. Name Toby Lyan Lynn Anapol WeinbergBirth Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Edward Eddy AnapolBirth Death xxx 1984Record information. Name Pauline Grodinsky AnapolBirth Death xxx 1985Record information. Name Yehudit (Edith) AnapolBirth Death xx xxx 1996Record information. Name Edith Mae AnapoleBirth Death xxx xx 2008
- BirthDeath1958Private Member PhotosPictures
- OtherDepartureEnglandArrivalNew York, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- OtherDepartureEnglandArrivalCape Town, South AfricaUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- OtherBirthDepartureScotlandArrivalNew York, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDeath2008Public Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1985Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1984Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1985Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1985Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1985Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1985Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1984Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- Private Member StoriesFamily Histories, Journals & Biographies
- BirthDeath1985Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1984Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1985Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1996Private Member PhotosPictures