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Results for "zukley"

Name: Edward Zukley

Birth: abt 1920 Illinois

Death: 3 Dec 2006 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USA

Father: Peter Zukley

Mother: Antonia Wysocki

Name: Peter Zukley

Birth: 17 Mar 1894 Uilna, Lithuania

Death: 2 Jul 1961 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: ? Zuklevicius

Mother: TBD TBD a

Name: Eleanor Margaret Zukley

Birth: 30 Mar 1918 Calumet City, Illinois

Death: 18 Dec 1998 Milwaukee WI

Father: Peter Zukley

Mother: Antonia Wysocki

Name: John Zukley

Birth: 9 Sep 1931

Death: 01/12/2010 Stevensville, Queen Annes, Maryland, United States of America

Father: John Zukley

Mother: Frances Zukley

Name: Robert James Zukley

Birth: Nov.10, 1941 Hammond Indiana

Death: 13 Jul 1948 Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, United States of America

Father: John Zukley

Mother: Frances Zukley

Name: Frances Zukley

Birth: 1 Jun 1903 Odessa, Russia

Death: 21 May 1996 Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, USA

Father: Anthony Tomkutonis

Mother: Anastazyja Wysocka

Name: Raymond Kasmir Zukley

Birth: 3 Mar 1922 Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois, USA

Death: 7 May 2016 Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, USA

Father: Peter Zukley

Mother: Antonia Wisoski

Name: William Zukley

Birth: 1933 Calumet City, Lake, IL

Death: 12 Jan 2010 Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, USA

Father: John Zukley

Mother: Frances Zukley

Name: Kevin M. Zukley

Birth: 1958 Indiana

Death: Not Available

Father: John Anthony Zukley

Mother: Dolores Petronella Godlewski

Name: Cynthia Lynn Zukley

Birth: 1963 Indiana

Death: Not Available

Father: John Anthony Zukley

Mother: Dolores Petronella Godlewski

Name: Jennifer A. Zukley

Birth: Not Available Lansing, Lake, IL

Death: Not Available

Father: John Anthony Zukley

Mother: Dolores Petronella Godlewski

Name: Linda Marie Zukley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: John Anthony Zukley

Mother: Dolores Petronella Godlewski

Name: Shelia Elaine Zukley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Elkhart, Elkhart, IN

Father: William Zukley

Mother: Private

Name: William Zukley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: William Zukley

Mother: Private

Name: John Zukley

Birth: 25 May 1895 Lithuania

Death: Jun 1972 Calumet City, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: ? Zuklevicius

Mother: Private

Name: Karen Elaine Zukley

Birth: May 2, 1988 Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Death: July 30, 1988 Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: john zukley

Birth: 1909 lithuania

Death: 1971

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: John Zukley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Frances Zukley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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