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Results for "zosce"

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Name: Elfreida Zoske

Birth: 17 Apr 1905 Iowa

Death: Oct 1993 Story City, Story, Iowa, USA

Father: Hermann Zoske

Mother: Minna Maronn

Name: Lena Mary Cosce

Birth: 07 Feb 1906 San Francisco, Calif. U.S.A.

Death: 13 JUL 1993 Auburn, Ca

Father: Giacomo Cosce

Mother: Giusseppina (Josephine) Rizzo

Name: Helmut Zose

Birth: 24 May 1938 Mitterdorf Parish, Gottschee, Yugoslavia

Death: 26 May 2016 Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Rupert Zosche Zose

Mother: Brunhilde "Hilda" Erker

Name: Helen A Zoske

Birth: 17 November, 1904 Montana

Death: 13 Dec 1997 Darby, Ravalli, Montana, United States of America

Father: Albert Robert Zoske

Mother: Bessie Florence Overturf

Name: Ida Freida Zoske

Birth: 28 Dec 1900 Illinois

Death: 25 Jun 1976 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Frank H. zaske

Mother: Anna unruh

Name: Anita Cosce

Birth: abt 1908 California

Death: 19 May 1964 CA, USA

Father: Giacomo Cosce

Mother: Giusseppina (Josephine) Rizzo

Name: George Louis Cosce

Birth: 21 Feb 1937 San Francisco, California

Death: 30 Oct 2001 Marina, Monterey, California, USA

Father: George Louis Cosce

Mother: Elsie Marie Bertelli

Name: Thelma M Zoske

Birth: 1901 Montana

Death: 21 October 1929 Ravalli co., Montana

Father: Albert Robert Zoske

Mother: Bessie Florence Overturf

Name: Nelly Rosce

Birth: 1./7./1876 Weymouth, Dorset, England

Death: 13.9.1916 Barnstaple, Devon, England

Father: John Rosce

Mother: Amelia Jane Pearce

Name: robert frank zoske

Birth: february chicago

Death: Not Available minisota

Father: Frank M Zoske

Mother: Edna E Kitzke

Name: Gottfried Zose

Birth: 1936 Queens County, New York, USA

Death: Aug 2012 El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA

Father: Gottfried Zose

Mother: Maria Michitsch

Name: Howard Zoske

Birth: 6 Feb 1913 Draper, Jones, South Dakota, USA

Death: Nov 1966 Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, USA

Father: Alfred Zoske

Mother: Helen Zoske

Name: Nestor Valdehuesa Nosce

Birth: 09 FEB 1931 Bukidnon, Phillipines

Death: 2 Jun 1996 Vacaville, Solano, California, USA

Father: Luis Queblar Nosce

Mother: Lolita Valdehuesa

Name: Auguste Zoske

Birth: 01 10 1878 Quakow, Schlawe, Pommern, Germany

Death: 16 07 1928 Berlin, Germany

Father: Hermann Zoske

Mother: Karoline Zoske

Name: Kaspar ZOSCH

Birth: 1727 Germany

Death: 27 May 1797 Germany

Father: Hans Zösch

Mother: Maria Margaretha Schilling

Name: Herman Zoske

Birth: 31 Dec Pommern, Poland

Death: 1901 Kwasowo, Gmina Sławno, Sławno, West Pomerania, Poland

Father: Ernest Zoske

Mother: Friederike Dalli

Name: Luis Queblar Nosce

Birth: 6 Feb 1902 Lucena, Quezon, Philippines

Death: 2 Aug 1970 Mandaluyong, Metro, Manila, Philippines

Father: Nestorio Nosce

Mother: Venancia Queblar

Name: Elizabeth Bosce

Birth: 7//4//1865 Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Death: 10 Aug 1932 Carleton, Ontario, Canada

Father: Joseph H Boese**

Mother: M. Bryne/ O'Bryne

Name: johann zose

Birth: 7 Jan 1892 Schalkendorf 11, Gottschee Parish, Gottschee, Krain, Austria

Death: 1930

Father: johann zose

Mother: Gertrud Agnitsch

Name: Oskar Erich Zoske

Birth: 14 Jun 1913 Neuhof Kr. Bromberg/Polen

Death: 18 Feb 2000 Volksmarsen-Kuelte, Germany

Father: Franz Adolf Zoske

Mother: Marie Grethe Kujoth

Name: Gertrud Hedwig Zoske

Birth: 29 Nov 1919 Neuhof Kr. Bromberg/Polen

Death: 11.May.2008 Essen, Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Father: Franz Adolf Zoske

Mother: Marie Grethe Kujoth

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