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Results for "zoin"

Name: Marco Antonio ZOIN

Birth: 19 Jun 1847 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Domenico ZOIN

Birth: 21 Mar 1783 Mestrino, Padova, , Italy

Death: 6 Jul 1836 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Father: Angelo ZOIN

Mother: Bortola RIZZO

Name: Gaetano ZOIN

Birth: 11 Aug 1845 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: CHILD

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Domenico ZOIN

Birth: 31 Aug 1817 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Antonia PEZZATO

Name: Natale ZOIN

Birth: 24 DEC 1913 Lorenzaga, Motta di Livenza, Treviso, Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Innocente ZOIN

Mother: Maria BORTOLAN

Name: Luigia Teresa ZOIN

Birth: 20 Feb 1850 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: CHILD

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Giovanni ZOIN

Birth: 23 Jun 1844 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: CHILD

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Luigia Gioseffa ZOIN

Birth: 7 Sep 1853 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: CHILD

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Angela ZOIN

Birth: 18 Feb 1869 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Marco Antonio ZOIN


Name: Giulia ZOIN

Birth: 4 Jun 1867 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Marco Antonio ZOIN


Name: Gioseffa Anna ZOIN

Birth: 17 May 1851 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Domenico ZOIN

Mother: Teresa Giacoma MARCOLONGO

Name: Teresa ZOIN

Birth: ABT 1780 Padova, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Innocente ZOIN

Birth: 22marzo1870

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Angelo ZOIN

Birth: ABT 1751 Mestrino, Padova, , Italy

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Antonia ZOIN

Birth: 1850 Selvazzano, Italia

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Jacob Friedrich ZOIN

Birth: 1719

Death: 1754

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Issac L. Zoin



Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Teresa ZOIN

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Charles Zoin

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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