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Results for "widdows"

Name: William Widdows

Birth: 1784 Standlake, Oxfordshire, England

Death: 3 September 1864 Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

Father: Joseph Widdows

Mother: Sarah Whiteing

Name: Laura D. Widdows

Birth: 1852 Maryland

Death: 1920 Washington, DC, USA

Father: Charles Isaac Widdows

Mother: Anna Rebecca Parsons

Name: Arthur Manley Widdows

Birth: 16 Aug 1883 Chorley, Lancashire, England

Death: 04 Dec 1976 Austin, Travis, Texas, USA

Father: Arthur Charles Widdows

Mother: Mary Jane Bateson

Name: Mary Widdows

Birth: 1766 Worksop, Nottingham

Death: January 1844 Richmond, Yorkshire North Riding

Father: William Widdows

Mother: Christiana Wilson

Name: LeRoy (Roy) Widdows

Birth: 7 November 1901 Kansas

Death: 28 FEB 1950 Sharon, Barber County, Kansas

Father: Robert Bob Widdows

Mother: Henrietta Ward

Name: William Widdows

Birth: 1828 Lamberhead Green, Orrell, Wigan, Lancashire, England

Death: 17 Apr 1867 , Lancashire, , England

Father: Thomas Widdows

Mother: Sibyl Cuncliffe

Name: Rutha A. Widdows

Birth: 19 Aug 1897 Iuka, Marion County, Illinois

Death: June 4, 1999 Loami, Sangamon, Illinois, USA

Father: John Rossen Widdows

Mother: LAURA MYRTLE Smith

Name: Edmund Widdows

Birth: SEP 1815 Charlbury Oxfordshire England

Death: MAR 1891 Charlbury Oxfordshire England

Father: Thomas Widdows

Mother: Elizabeth Draper

Name: Ruth Anna Widdows

Birth: 21/Feb/1918 Liberty, Union, Indiana, USA

Death: 10 DEC 2004 Lake Worth, Palm Beach FL.

Father: Chester E Roberts

Mother: Anna May Leonard (Roberts)

Name: Dora Widdows

Birth: 8 May 1905 Luka, Marion, Illinois, USA

Death: 6 Aug 1985 Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Father: William Widdows

Mother: Laura Kneemyer

Name: Byard Widdows

Birth: May 1838 Middletown, Delaware, PA

Death: 10 Apr 1901 New Castle, Delaware, USA

Father: John Widdoes

Mother: Margaret Emma Beers

Name: Russell Widdows

Birth: 1910 Indiana, USA

Death: 2005 Florida, USA

Father: Walter Monroe Widdows

Mother: Elizabeth (Lizzie) Edens

Name: Frank A Widdows

Birth: abt 1891 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

Death: February 1970 Littleton, Arapahoe, Colorado, USA

Father: George Widdows

Mother: Elina Burford

Name: Geoege Widdows

Birth: 1840 Cogges, Oxfordshire, England

Death: Jul 1923 Winchcomb, Gloucestershire, England

Father: Michael Widdows

Mother: Charity Lee

Name: James Widdows

Birth: abt 1789 St Pauls, Norwich, Norfolk, England

Death: July 1865 Norwich, Norfolk, England

Father: Reuben Widdows

Mother: Mary Cock

Name: James Widdows

Birth: 10 Feb 1771 Lancashire, England

Death: July 1846 Leigh, Lancashire

Father: John Widdows

Mother: Elizabeth Betty Worsley Wilcocks

Name: Mary E. Widdows

Birth: 12 Aug 1912 Illinois, USA

Death: 22 Feb 1991 Cincinnati

Father: Walter Monroe Widdows

Mother: Elizabeth (Lizzie) Edens

Name: Abner V. Widdows

Birth: 1905 Illinois

Death: 9 February 1968 Maywood, Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: Jacob Walter Widdows

Mother: Iva Belle Gilbert

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