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Results for "uehara"


Birth: 18 Mar 1907 Yonabaru, Okinawa, Japan

Death: 18 Jun 1958 Laie, Oahu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Father: Yoyu Uehara

Mother: Kana Uehara

Name: Kiyoko Uehara

Birth: 14 Oct 1913 Wahiawa, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States of America

Death: 12 Jan 2004 Culver City, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Jiro Uehara

Mother: Uto OSHIRO

Name: Chiyoko Uehara

Birth: 1912 Hawaii

Death: 28 December 2012 Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States of America

Father: Choyei Oshiro

Mother: Kamato Oshiro

Name: Robert Uehara

Birth: 1924 Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA

Death: 2004

Father: Seishin Uehara

Mother: Mito Itokazu

Name: Taro Uehara

Birth: 1899 Okinawa, Japan

Death: 13 Jun 1945 Tabaru Village, Okinawa, Japan

Father: Taruu Uehara

Mother: Kame Kaneshiro

Name: Kami Uehara

Birth: 1890 Okinawa

Death: 1977 Kaneohe, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Father: Tasho Chimen

Mother: Uto Tamauaha Tamauaha

Name: Kana Uehara

Birth: 23 Dec 1887 Tabaru Village, Okinawa, Japan

Death: Abt 1978

Father: Taruu Uehara

Mother: Kame Kaneshiro

Name: Mutaru Uehara

Birth: 5 May 1868 Yonabaru, Okinawa, Japan

Death: 2 Jan 1953 Yonabaru, Okinawa, Japan

Father: Yoho Uehara

Mother: Utu Arakachi

Name: Isamu Uehara

Birth: 7 Oct 1926 WainakuHawaii

Death: 8 Feb 2009 Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii

Father: Kamato Nehara

Mother: Uto Takara

Name: Henry G Uehara

Birth: abt 1924 Hawaii

Death: 18 May 1992

Father: Ushi Uehara Uyehara

Mother: Oto Teruya

Name: Kana Uehara

Birth: 5 Oct 1895 Oroku, Okinawa, Japan

Death: 19 Nov 1974 Honolulu

Father: Saburo Uehara

Mother: Maushi Uehara Uehara

Name: Masakichi Uehara

Birth: 15 Jun 1920 Mana, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

Death: 13 Jun 1993 Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Father: Kamekichi Uehara

Mother: Ushi Kamiya

Name: Kana Uehara

Birth: 1903 Itoman, Okinawa, Japan

Death: 1995 Maui, Hawaii, USA

Father: Kamato Uehara

Mother: Uto NAKAMURA

Name: Shizuko Uehara

Birth: 1936 Kandimachi, Japan

Death: 17 Sep 2018 Saint Charles, St Charles, Missouri, USA

Father: Shigetaro Uehara

Mother: Yoshino

Name: Chiyoko Uehara

Birth: abt 1912 Hawaii

Death: 22 Dec 1999

Father: Kana Uehara

Mother: Kamado Teruya

Name: Chiyoko Uehara

Birth: 1 January 1935 Japan

Death: 12/14/2017 Hudson, St. Croix, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Hotei Uehara

Mother: Oshige

Name: D Uehara

Birth: 25 Sep 1922 Waimea Oahu, Hawaii

Death: Not Available Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Father: Jingiu Uehara

Mother: Kama Uehara

Name: Kameo Uehara

Birth: 20 Nov Okinawa, Japan

Death: 1945 Okinawa

Father: Taru Uehara

Mother: Kama Uehara

Name: Takinobu Uehara

Birth: 1918 Kahuku

Death: 27 Feb 1994

Father: Kanaa Uehara

Mother: Uto Uehara

Name: Shintoku Uehara Uehara

Birth: 10 Dec 1922 Okinawa, Japan

Death: 23 OCT 1975 Uehara, Okinawa, Japan

Father: Taro Uehara

Mother: Manchi Uehara

Name: Kamado Uehara

Birth: 22 Nov1888 Oroku (Otaku), Okinawa, Japan

Death: 8 Jul 1958 Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Uto Uyehara

Name: Heiko Uehara

Birth: 12 Oct 1889 Japan

Death: 26 Jul 1986 Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Father: Heichu Uehara

Mother: Private

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