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Name: John Clayton Tweed

Birth: Sep 1890 Illinois

Death: 28 Sep 1969 Sun City,Maricopa,AR,USA

Father: William Tweed

Mother: Margaret Preston

Name: Elizabeth Lucy Tweed

Birth: 24 Dec 1850 Edgerton Farm, Deanhead, Scammonden, Yorkshire

Death: 6//4//1928 Huddersfield, Yorkshire West Riding, England

Father: Samuel Tweed

Mother: Mary Hirst

Name: David Lyman Tweed

Birth: Aug 1847 Rushville, Schuyler, Illinois, United States

Death: 25 April 1928 Knox City, Knox County, Missouri, USA

Father: James Tweed

Mother: Elizabeth Yeatman

Name: Gina B Tweed

Birth: Abt. 1886 North Dakota, USA

Death: 03 Apr 1975 Tolna, Nelson, North Dakota, USA

Father: Gudmund Gudmundson

Mother: Martha Tharaldsdr

Name: Eva B Tweed

Birth: 25 October 1900 Jonesville, Union, South Carolina, USA

Death: 24 October 1931 Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina, USA

Father: James H Tweed

Mother: Minnie Lee Johnson

Name: Martin TWEED

Birth: Sep 1782 Cheveley, Cambridgeshire, England

Death: 11 Apr 1869 Cheveley, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: William Tweed

Mother: Amy MURRELLS

Name: Chassie Darlie Tweed

Birth: 12 Sep 1905 Virginia, United States

Death: Feb 1992 Seymour, Jackson, Indiana, United States

Father: Rufus Fender Tweed

Mother: Hattie Viola Collier

Name: Eliza J. Tweed

Birth: 1824 Dunkirk, Hardin, Ohio, USA

Death: Abt 1886 Missouri, USA

Father: John Wackman

Mother: Harriet Kelly

Name: Sophia Tweed

Birth: 23 Nov 1924 Shelton Laurel, North Carolina, USA

Death: July 18, 1981 Unicoi, Unicoi, Tennessee, USA

Father: Jeter Harrison Tweed

Mother: Opal Shelton

Name: Thomas Howard Tweed

Birth: 11 Dec 1845 Hawkesbury, 1654330, Ontario, Canada

Death: 21 Feb 1917 Prescott, Ontario, Canada

Father: Alexander Dickey Tweed

Mother: Maria Waite

Name: John Tweed

Birth: abt 1902 South Carolina

Death: 12 Jul 1986 South Carolina

Father: William Allen Tweed

Mother: Rhoda Rebecca Mabry

Name: Hugh Tweed

Birth: 31 OCT 1822 Illinois, USA

Death: 24 Dec 1894 Randolph County, Illinois, USA

Father: Hugh Tweed

Mother: Jenny "Jane" Curry

Name: Robert Allison Tweed

Birth: 21 Jul 1923 Fort Lupton, Weld, Colorado, USA

Death: 17 Feb 2002 Littleton, Jefferson, Colorado, USA

Father: John Clayton Tweed

Mother: Elva E Power

Name: Harriet Tweed

Birth: March 15,1854 Ohio

Death: 18 Dec 1936 Yukon, Canadian, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Robert James Tweed

Mother: Eliza Jane Wackman

Name: Nelle Lucille Tweed

Birth: 19 Jan 1926 Fairview, Buncombe, North Carolina, USA

Death: 18 Mar 1992 Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA

Father: James Hamilton Tweed

Mother: Jennie L Hensley

Name: Elizabeth Tweed

Birth: 27 Jan 1771 Chevely, Cambridgeshire, England

Death: Dec 1851 Balsham, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: Poulter Tweed

Mother: Elizabeth Wymock

Name: Albert William Tweed

Birth: Nov 16, 1885 Williamstown, Gloucester, New Jersey, USA

Death: 3 Dec 1955 New Jersey, USA

Father: William Ford Tweed

Mother: Sarah Earling

Name: William H. Tweed

Birth: abt 1823 England

Death: 27 Sept 1912 Canada, Ontario, Northumberland County, Cramahe

Father: Thomas Tweed

Mother: Jane Thompson/Bradley

Name: Neely J Tweed

Birth: 1816 Madison, North Carolina, USA

Death: 21 Apr 1862 Flat Lick, Knox, Kentucky, USA

Father: James Tweed

Mother: Rachel Neely

Name: Catherine Tweed

Birth: 28 Mar 1872 Prescott, Leeds, Ontario, Canada

Death: 06 Jun 1969 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Charles Hindman Tweed

Mother: Mary Ann Blaney

Name: Effie L. Tweed

Birth: July 1872 near Houston Post Office, Piney Twp, Texas, Missouri, United Sta

Death: 1962 Missouri

Father: Elisha J Tweed

Mother: Elisabeth Tillery

Name: Ruby Hunter Tweed

Birth: 3 Oct 1908 Madison County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 29 Apr 1995 Madison, North Carolina, USA

Father: James Riley Hunter

Mother: Nola Tweed

Name: George Horace TWEED

Birth: 31 Mar 1914 Sunbury, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 16 Aug 1998 New York ? / Yardley & Pino Funeral Home Sag Harbor, New York, 11963

Father: Ralph Spencer Tweed

Mother: Edna Mae Jett

Name: Helen Vandyke Tweed

Birth: 18 Nov 1920 Jamestown, North Dakota

Death: 19 Sep 2003 Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA

Father: Meredith Eugene Tweed

Mother: Genevieve M Van Dyke

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