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Results for "trzcinski"

Name: John Trzcinski

Birth: 27 Mar 1910 Stubenville, Ohio

Death: 09 Aug 1951 Michigan

Father: Jan John Trzcinski

Mother: Stanislawa Rozanski

Name: Sophia Trzcinski

Birth: abt 1901 Pennsylvania

Death: 21 Nov 1983 Detroit Michigan

Father: Marion Trzcinski

Mother: Mary Kocelecky

Name: Marie "Mary" Trzcinski

Birth: 18 Nov 1880 Russia (Prussia)

Death: 1955 Duryea, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Julian Trzcinski

Mother: Juliana Karpinska, Trzcinski

Name: John Jacob Trzcinski

Birth: abt 1880 Decorah, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA

Death: 4 Feb 1966 Tacoma, Washington, USA

Father: Charles Trzeinski

Mother: Sarah Jane Zuckmayer

Name: Stephen P Trzcinski

Birth: 22 February 1917 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Death: 27 Dec 2001 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Father: John F Trzcinski

Mother: Antoinette Grabowski

Name: Ludwik Trzcinski

Birth: 1 Feb 1891 Baczki, Węgrów, Russia (Poland)

Death: 22 Nov 1954 New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Father: Roch Trzciński

Mother: Marianna

Name: Benedict Trzcinski

Birth: 16 Jul 1924 Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Death: 23 Apr 2002 Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Father: Stanislaus Trzcinski

Mother: Veronica Ratayzcak

Name: Henry Frank Trzcinski

Birth: 2 Apr 1918 Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Death: 1 MAR 1993 Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Joseph Stanley Trzcinski

Mother: Jozefa Falba

Name: William Edward Trzcinski

Birth: 27 Jun 1919 River Rouge, Wayne, Michigan USA

Death: 13 May 2008 Trenton, Wayne, Michigan

Father: Jan John Trzcinski

Mother: Stanislawa Rozanski

Name: Frank Trzcinski

Birth: December 4, 1917 Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Death: 7 October 1991 New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Father: Joseph Trzcinski

Mother: Mary Popiclek

Name: Teofila Trzcinski

Birth: 1886 Sokolka, Grodno, Russia(Odelsk, Bialystok)(Hrodno, Belarus)

Death: 12 Aug 1943 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA

Father: Antoni Radziwon

Mother: Anna Lantowskich

Name: Michael Trzcinski

Birth: 24 Sep 1883 Ostrowo, Nadgoplwym, Poland

Death: 14 January 1942 Ohio, United States

Father: Wincenty Trzcinski

Mother: Katarzyna Pietras

Name: Stanley Walter TRZCINSKI

Birth: 13 Aug 1896 Poland

Death: 29 Aug 1943 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Anthony Trzcinski

Mother: Josephine Golaski

Name: Sigmund Louis Trzcinski

Birth: 23 Oct 1913 Poland

Death: 11/2000 Indiana

Father: Peter Trzcinski

Mother: Josephine Simchak

Name: Sally Ann Trzcinski

Birth: 13 Sep 1911 Askam Luz, Pennsylvania

Death: 16 Feb 2004 Wilkes Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Stanley Trzcinski

Mother: Mary Ann Popciak

Name: Alex E Trzcinski

Birth: 15 AUG 1911 Canonsburg Washington Co PA

Death: 06 AUG 1994 Clarksburg WV

Father: Alexander Trzcinski

Mother: Justine Duda

Name: Richard Alan Trzcinski

Birth: 9/4/1958 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, United States

Death: 2/10/1992 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, United States

Father: Stanley T. Trzcinski

Mother: Lucille Marie Sturgeon

Name: Eugene Trzcinski

Birth: abt 1914 Pennsylvania

Death: 10 Dec 1991 Berwick PA

Father: Stanley Trzcinski

Mother: Mary Ann Popciak

Name: Irene Trzcinski

Birth: 2 Dec 1920 South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, USA

Death: 18 Aug 1999 LaPorte, La Porte, Indiana, USA

Father: Paul Carl Nagy

Mother: Mary H Kertesz

Name: Chester Trzcinski

Birth: abt 1914 Ohio

Death: 22 Nov 1991 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Albert Trzcinski

Mother: Eva Trzcinski

Name: Raymond Walter Trzcinski

Birth: 5 Dec 1918 Buffalo, Erie, New York

Death: 1 Nov 1979 West Falls, Erie, New York

Father: Francis J. Trzcinski

Mother: Mary E Puchalska

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