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Results for "teiber"

Name: Joseph Teiber

Birth: About 1911 Missouri, USA

Death: 1991 St. Louis Missouri

Father: Joseph Maxmillian Teiber

Mother: Louise M. Sanders

Name: Milton Teiber

Birth: 19 Mar 1909 Brooklyn, New York

Death: 17 Mar 1988 Hollywood, Broward, Florida, USA

Father: Abraham L Teiber

Mother: Fannie/ Fagi Klein

Name: Ruth Teiber

Birth: 13 Aug 1911 Brooklyn , NY

Death: 7 Jun 1997 Valley Stream, Nassau, New York, USA

Father: Abraham L Teiber

Mother: Fannie/ Fagi Klein

Name: Herbert Teiber

Birth: abt 1882 Germany

Death: 05 Feb 1933 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USA

Father: John Teiber

Mother: Anna FREIDEL

Name: John Anton Teiber

Birth: 10 Jan 1915 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States of America

Death: Abt 1995

Father: Anton Frank Teiber

Mother: Roselie "Rose" Schwartz

Name: Anna Teiber

Birth: January 13, 1902 Hungary

Death: Not Available Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada

Father: Ferdinand Täuber

Mother: Theresia Oster

Name: Katherine Teiber

Birth: 30 Oct 1892 Visegrád, Szentendrei járás, Pest, Hungary

Death: 12 Dec 1976 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Jozsef Rippel

Mother: Anna Delacasse

Name: Joseph F. Teiber

Birth: abt 1943 Missouri

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Francis Teiber

Mother: Evelyn Gertrude Wilhelm

Name: Carl TEIBER

Birth: 1913 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 1987 Hinsdale, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Anthon Teiber

Mother: Magdaline Mayer

Name: George Teiber

Birth: 23 Apr 1907 Saint Anna, Romania

Death: 1 Jan 1990 Crivitz, Marinette, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Joannes Täuber

Mother: Eva Wiesenmayer

Name: Valentin Teiber

Birth: 25 December 1868 Uj Scent, Hungary

Death: 17 February 1933 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Anton Teiber

Mother: Theresia Ackermann

Name: Joseph Maxmillian Teiber

Birth: 29 Dec 1881 Germany

Death: 17 Jun 1924 St. Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri, USA

Father: Joseph Teiber

Mother: Christina Maull

Name: Josepha Teiber

Birth: 6 Dez 1870 Oberndorf

Death: 9 Jan 1914

Father: Josef Bauer

Mother: Maria Anna Vogl Vogl

Name: Francis Joseph Teiber

Birth: 03 Sep 1914 New York City, New York

Death: 23 Oct 1975 New York City, New York

Father: Henry Teiber

Mother: magdalena berger

Name: George R Teiber

Birth: abt 1938 Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: Anthony George Teiber

Mother: Nettie Irene Baxter

Name: Anna Teiber

Birth: 29 Aug 1896 St Anna, Romania

Death: 15 Nov 1983 Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Father: Joannes Täuber

Mother: Eva Wiesenmayer

Name: Anton Teiber

Birth: 18 Nov 1884 Santa Anna, Arad, Austria-Hungary (Rumania)

Death: 20 Feb 1886 Santa Anna, Arad, Austria-Hungary (Rumania)

Father: Franz Tauber

Mother: Josephine Emenet

Name: Antoinette Marie Teiber

Birth: 1923

Death: Abt 2013

Father: Henry George Beardsley

Mother: Mildred Emily Schneling

Name: Bernard Teiber

Birth: Abt. 1912 Missouri

Death: 26 Jun 1988 St Louis City, Missouri, USA

Father: Joseph Maxmillian Teiber

Mother: Louise M. Sanders

Name: Maria Teiber

Birth: 14 Jan 1883 Mittelsteine, Preußen

Death: 30 März 1883 Mittelsteine, Preußen

Father: Wilhelm Teiber

Mother: Carolina Dittrich Teiber

Name: John Teiber

Birth: 1927 Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: Johann Tieber

Mother: Katherine Geistl

Name: Fanny Teiber

Birth: 3 May 1900 New Jersey

Death: 11 Aug 1982 Bloomfield, Connecticut, USA

Father: Louis Teiber

Mother: Private

Name: Sophie Teiber

Birth: 18 Dec 1899 Austria

Death: 18 Jul 1977 Brooklyn, Kings, New York

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Fred W Teiber

Birth: 19 Mar 1894 Missouri

Death: Mar 1980 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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