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Results for "tayby"

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Name: Katherine T Taby

Birth: 21 Jul 1915 Arkansas, USA

Death: 07 Jun 1985 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Louis Taby

Mother: Anna C. Thomsen

Name: Mary Tarby

Birth: abt 1913 Pennsylvania

Death: 22 Feb 1989 Auburn NY

Father: Wasyl Tarby

Mother: Paraska Cicura

Name: Martha Taby

Birth: 29 Nov 1886 Shamokin, Pennsylvania

Death: 7 Jun 1952 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Baczkowski

Mother: Salomea Sarah Malikowski

Name: Elemore Tabby

Birth: 8 Mar 1900 Shamokin, Pennsylvania

Death: 14 Jul 1956 Coal, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Francis Taby

Mother: Mary E Rittenhouse

Name: Catherine Tarby

Birth: Jun 1853 Ireland

Death: 1923 Morrisonville, Christian, Illinois, USA

Father: Patrick CAREY

Mother: Nabby Kinney Kenny

Name: Phoebe Ellen Taby

Birth: 19 Mar 1888 Shamokin, Pennsylvania

Death: 26 Jul 1943 Pennsylvania, United States

Father: John Edwin Taby

Mother: Sarah Ann Fessler

Name: Sophia Tarby

Birth: abt 1911/1912 New York, USA

Death: 1970 Elmira, Chemung, New York, USA

Father: Alexander Tarbay

Mother: Catherine Petryk Patrick

Name: Peter Edward Tarby

Birth: 24 Dec 1910 Jersey City, New Jersey

Death: 9 Dec 2002 Grand Island, Lake, Florida, USA

Father: leon tarby

Mother: anna korin

Name: W Joseph Taby

Birth: abt 1873 Pennsylvania

Death: 1935 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Francis Taby

Mother: Cathrien Eisenhart

Name: Sarah Anne Taby

Birth: Jun 1893 Pennsylvania

Death: 13 Aug 1962 N Manheim, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Edwin Taby

Mother: Sarah Ann Fessler

Name: Alex Tarby

Birth: 2 Jun 1922 Olyphant, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 10 Jul 2004 Peckville, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Wasyl Tarby

Mother: Taraska/Tessie Cucura

Name: Augustus Taby

Birth: abt 1839 Schuylkill, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 2 Oct 1887 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Franz Henrich TEPE

Mother: Catharina Maria Osterfeld

Name: Anna Tarby

Birth: abt 1913 New York

Death: 9 May 2008 Auburn, Cayuga, New York

Father: Peter Norbeck

Mother: Katherine Worobick

Name: John E Taby

Birth: Dec 1865 Northumberland, Pennsylvania

Death: 5 Oct 1943 (FA Grave)

Father: Francis Taby

Mother: Catharine (Eisenhart) Taby

Name: John Taby

Birth: abt 1897 Pennsylvania

Death: 14 May 1965

Father: Francis D Taby

Mother: Maggie Meisberger

Name: Ethel Tarby

Birth: 03 Sep 1919 Pennsylvania

Death: 27 Jul 1968

Father: Joseph Tarby

Mother: Elizabeth Soltis

Name: Carrie Taby

Birth: 26 Nov 1896 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 7 Dec 1962 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: William A Taby

Mother: Emma Jane Conrad

Name: Emma Taby

Birth: abt 1908 Pennsylvania

Death: 30 Jan 1995 San Diego, California

Father: William A Taby

Mother: Emma Jane Conrad

Name: Francis Taby

Birth: 3 Jun 1863 Pennsylvania

Death: 6 Jul 1909

Father: August Taby

Mother: Cathrien Eisenhart

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