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Results for "tayburn"

Name: Elizabeth Ann Tayburn

Birth: 1837 Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Death: 18 Sep 1869 6 Gelling Street, Liverpool

Father: James Tayburn

Mother: Ann Spencer

Name: Lewis a Tayburn

Birth: 16 Sep 1889 New Jersey, USA

Death: Abt 1947 Naughrignt, N. J

Father: Thomas J Tayburn

Mother: Jane E Baker

Name: William James Tayburn

Birth: January 1827 Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Death: October 1901 Chorlton, Lancashire

Father: William Tabbron

Mother: Jane

Name: James TAYBURN

Birth: 25 Feb 1803 Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Death: Jul 1862 West Derby, Lancashire

Father: William Tabbron

Mother: Mary Cowen

Name: Bessie Tayburn

Birth: 12 Jun 1886 New Jersey, USA

Death: 03 Oct 1964

Father: Thomas J Tayburn

Mother: Jane E Baker

Name: Richard Tayburn

Birth: 8 Feb 1907 Preston, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Death: Apr 1986 Preston, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Father: Richard Timothy Tayburn

Mother: Ellen Johnson

Name: John Tayburn

Birth: 30 Aug 1909 North Carolina, United States

Death: Mar 1964

Father: John H Tabron

Mother: Sallie Daye

Name: Violet Philhower Tayburn

Birth: abt 1901 New Jersey

Death: July 1979

Father: Briant Philhower

Mother: Matilda D. Horton

Name: William Tayburn

Birth: abt 1835 West Derby (Nr Liverpool), Lancashire, England

Death: 1884

Father: Thomas Tabbron

Mother: Jane Tayburn

Name: Vernon Tayburn

Birth: 02/18/1924 New Jersey

Death: 01/29/ 2001 Budd Lake, Morris, New Jersey, USA

Father: Louis A Tayhirn

Mother: Emma E Rowe

Name: Walter Gene Tayburn

Birth: 06/30/1926 Bedminster S, New Jersey

Death: 02/21/1998 Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA

Father: Charles William Tayburn

Mother: Violet Philhower

Name: John Tayburn

Birth: 1831 West Derby

Death: Not Available

Father: Thomas Tabbron

Mother: Jane Blundell

Name: Rosemary Elizabeth Tayburn

Birth: 31 12 1940 Mendham Morr, New Jersey

Death: 22 Aug 2007

Father: Louis A Tayhirn

Mother: Emma E Rowe

Name: Warren tayburn

Birth: May 24, 1938 Somerville new jersey

Death: 11 Dec 2014 Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Charles William Tayburn

Mother: Violet Tayburn

Name: William Tayburn

Birth: 1867 Patricroft, Eccles, Manchester

Death: Not Available

Father: John Tabbron

Mother: ANNE Wood

Name: Ruth D Tayburn

Birth: May 17,1928 Oneida co, New York

Death: July 12,2018 Sevierville, Sevier, Tennessee, USA

Father: Charles Tayburn

Mother: Violet Philhower

Name: Alice Tayburn

Birth: abt 1865 Patricroft, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: John Tabbron

Mother: ANNE Wood

Name: Richard Timothy Tayburn

Birth: 28 Nov 1883 Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Death: abt 1956 Preston and South Ribble, Lancashire

Father: Andrew Tabron

Mother: Ann Winrow

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