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Results for "taverna"

Name: Johnnie P Taverna

Birth: 5 May 1921 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, US

Death: Apr 1983 Tennessee, USA

Father: Angelo Taverna

Mother: Margherita Pallividina

Name: Angelo Taverna

Birth: March 15,1866 Colosimi, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy

Death: June 30,1942 Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USA

Father: Pasquale Taverna

Mother: Teresa Masdeo

Name: Joseph Charles Taverna

Birth: 26 Jan 1927 Steelton, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Jul 1989 Pennsylvania

Father: Pasquale Taverna

Mother: Anna Vitangela SENECA

Name: Vincent Taverna

Birth: 20 June 1915 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USA

Death: 3 Feb 2000 Germantown TN

Father: Angelo Taverna

Mother: Margherita Pallividina

Name: Joseph John Taverna

Birth: Jun 1902 Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

Death: 02 Dec 1942 Maryland, USA

Father: Giuseppe Giovanni Taverna

Mother: Angelina Cerra

Name: Pasquale Taverna

Birth: 30 May 1873 Santo, Loreuzo, Italy

Death: 17 Oct 1961 Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Giuseppe TAVERNA

Mother: Giovanna Maria GURNARI

Name: Dorothy Taverna

Birth: abt 1909 Pennsylvania

Death: 5 May 1992 Ambler, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Father: Camillo Gargale

Mother: Felicie Cavalleo

Name: Lee Howard Taverna

Birth: 24 Aug 1913 Wabasha, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA

Death: 25 Jan 1972 North St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA

Father: John M Taverna

Mother: Christine Klass

Name: Grant Bernard Taverna

Birth: 1 October 1921 Minnesota, USA

Death: March 13, 1953 Orange, California, USA

Father: Joseph Solomon Taverna

Mother: Clara (Clarnette) Haseltine

Name: Richard Taverna

Birth: 4 Feb 1941 Ramsey, Minnesota,

Death: 8 May 2010 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota

Father: Lee Howard Taverna

Mother: Annette Anne Sigmundik

Name: Salvatore Taverna

Birth: 16 Mar 1886 Italy

Death: 04/29/1951 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA

Father: Carmelo Taverna

Mother: Teresa Mendola

Name: Donna Taverna

Birth: 20 Aug 1932 New Rockford, Eddy, North Dakota, USA

Death: 7 Apr 2018 Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Jacob Taverna

Mother: Delma Lillian Hill

Name: (Lena) Taverna

Birth: 19 Apr 1908 Depot Harbor, Ontario, Canada

Death: 27 Oct 1995 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA

Father: M Angelo Taverna

Mother: Nellie Evelyn Barney

Name: Jacob Taverna

Birth: 28 Aug 1905 Eddy, Eddy, North Dakota, United States

Death: 12 Dec 1983 New Rockford, Eddy, North Dakota, USA

Father: Jakob taverna

Mother: Dorthy Bernard

Name: Pauline Taverna

Birth: 28 Jun 1871 Wabasha County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 15 Mar 1959 Washington County, Minnesota, USA

Father: Peter Taverna

Mother: Christina Jegen

Name: Raymond S Taverna

Birth: 25 Jul 1918 Wisconsin

Death: March 9, 2005 Massachusetts, USA

Father: Anthony J Taverna

Mother: Josephine M Albino

Name: Thomas V. Taverna

Birth: 4 Jan 1913 New York

Death: 24 Nov 1983 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Anthony J Taverna

Mother: Josephine M Albino

Name: Salvatore Taverna

Birth: 4 Jan 1884 Calapria, Italy

Death: Sep 1969 Arlington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States

Father: Domenico Taverna

Mother: Caterina Francesca Falbo

Name: Frank A Taverna

Birth: 5 Jun 1913 New York

Death: 29 Nov 1984 San Mateo

Father: Vito Taverna

Mother: Giuseppina (Josephine) La Venia

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