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Name: Czeslawa (Charlotte) Taczewski
Birth: 23 Oct 1907 Poland
Death: 28 Oct 1978 Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan
Father: Walter Taczewski
Mother: Wladislava (Lottie) Lepkowski
Name: Irene Taczewski
Birth: 24 Jun 1924 Michigan
Death: 16 Jan 2002 Spring hill florida
Father: Walter Taczewski
Mother: Wladislava (Lottie) Lepkowski
Name: Stanley Taczewski
Birth: 1 Dec 1922 Michigan
Death: 13 Mar 1971 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Father: Walter Taczewski
Mother: Wladislava (Lottie) Lepkowski
Name: Rywka z Hersz Taciewski Taczewski
Birth: 1827 Filipow? marr 1844 L8-3,4 p80 #7
Death: Not Available
Father: Hirsz z Abel Taczewski
Mother: Chaja Chawa of Goldapska
Name: Rocha Reuza z Hirsz Taczewski
Birth: 1810 Filipow? marr 1832 L8-3,4 p77 #13
Death: Not Available
Father: Hirsz z Abel Taczewski
Mother: Chaja Chawa of Goldapska
Name: Walter Taczewski
Birth: 28 Feb 1882 Poland
Death: Before 1940
Father: Alexander Toczewski
Mother: Private
Name: Hirsz z Abel Taczewski
Birth: 1790 Filipow
Death: 1838 Filipowe, Suwalki Gubernia, Poland
Father: Abel Tasiewska Taczewski
Mother: Private
Name: Wladislava Taczewski
Birth: 1885 Augustowo Poland
Death: Not Available Detroit MI Wayne USA
Father: Cypryan S Lepkowski
Mother: Private
Name: Abel Tasiewska Taczewski
Birth: abt 1770 Filipow, Suwalki Gubernia, Poland
Death: Not Available Filipowe, Russia Poland
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Walter Taczewski
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Abel Taczewski
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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