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Results for "starbuck"

Name: Edith May Starbuck

Birth: 23 Nov 1890 Wilmington, Clinton Co., OH

Death: 10 Aug 1983 Wilmington, Clinton county, Ohio

Father: William Arthur Starbuck

Mother: Marianna Bailey

Name: Alfred Jack STARBUCK

Birth: 06 Mar 1889 Lawrence, Missouri, USA

Death: 07 Jul 1965 Aurora, Lawrence, MO Mars Hill Cem

Father: Isaac Pace Starbuck

Mother: Rachel Adeline Brackens

Name: Charles Bud Starbuck

Birth: 24 Oct 1923 Bangor Michigan Van Buren

Death: 30 Jan 2000 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

Father: Earle Charles Starbuck

Mother: Zella Virgine Freestone

Name: Elizabeth Betsey Starbuck

Birth: 18 Jul 1796 North Carolina

Death: 27 Sep 1875 Guilford, North Carolina

Father: Edward Starbuck of New Garden §

Mother: Sarah Ella Dwiggins

Name: Haskell Leo Starbuck

Birth: 3//5//1928 Higginson, White, Arkansas, USA

Death: 5/15/2006 Grass Valley, Nevada, California, USA

Father: Clifford Clayburn Starbuck

Mother: Zelma Lee Carter

Name: Bessie Ida Starbuck

Birth: Aug 1889 Dyberry, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 18 Aug 1958 Wayne, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Father: George Henry Starbuck

Mother: Ida A. Bunting

Name: Lydia Jane Starbuck

Birth: 17 Sep 1863 Pipe Creek, Miami, Indiana, USA

Death: 02 Apr 1940 Fairmount, IN

Father: Abraham Starbuck

Mother: Mary Ann Shaw

Name: Adin L Starbuck

Birth: 10 May 1844 Clinton, Ohio

Death: 24 Jul 1915 Dover, Union, Clinton, Ohio

Father: Jesse Gayer Starbuck

Mother: Amy Cox

Name: Gladys Starbuck

Birth: 8 Nov 1902 Sherburne County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 4 Dec 1995 Elk River, Sherburne, Minnesota, USA

Father: Henley Starbuck

Mother: Rose May Taylor

Name: Welcome G. Starbuck

Birth: 18 Feb 1827 Grayson, Virginia, United States

Death: 21 Mar 1882 Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana

Father: John Starbuck (Quaker)

Mother: Beulah Garrett

Name: Naomi Ruth Starbuck

Birth: 30 November 1916 Grady County, Oklahoma, USA

Death: 2 September 1995 Brookhaven, Lincoln, Mississippi, USA

Father: Alvin Ross Starbuck

Mother: Grace Kirkhuff

Name: Vivian Genavive Starbuck

Birth: 19 Nov 1920 Winter, Sawyer, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 3 Dec 2006 Burns, Harney, Oregon, USA

Father: Ernest Nelson Starbuck

Mother: Cecil Fern Elliott

Name: George C Starbuck

Birth: 30 July 1909 Holly, Prowers County, Colorado, USA

Death: 14 January 1991 Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, USA

Father: Clyde Cyril Starbuck

Mother: Katherine Honora Hanson

Name: Nelson C Starbuck

Birth: August 1852 Indiana

Death: 1914 Randolph County Indiana

Father: William Wheeler Starbuck

Mother: Louisa Davisson

Name: Alberta K Starbuck

Birth: 6 Feb 1863 New Antioch, Clinton, Ohio, United States

Death: 11 October 1937 Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio, USA

Father: Richard Vandevort

Mother: Catherine Ann Carman

Name: Andrew B Starbuck

Birth: 28 Mar 1884 Kansas, USA

Death: 26 Nov 1948 Portland, Jay, Indiana, USA

Father: John Caldwell Starbuck

Mother: Mary Jane Slusser

Name: Isac P Starbuck

Birth: 26 MAY 1861 Turnback, Lawrence, Missouri, United States

Death: 13 Apr 1939 Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, USA

Father: Darius Starbuck

Mother: Obedience Pace

Name: Fred Joe Starbuck

Birth: July 30, 1881 Indian Lake, Hamilton, New York, USA

Death: 24 May 1979 Sonoma, California

Father: William Starbuck

Mother: Margaret Wilson

Name: Ida Belle Starbuck

Birth: 27 September 1890 Illinois, USA

Death: 12 Feb 1984 Gifford, Illinois

Father: William Daniel Starbuck

Mother: Eliza Jane Hanbach

Name: Gordon Adelbert Starbuck

Birth: 27 Mar 1901 Hebron, Thayer, Nebraska, USA

Death: 13 Aug 1981 Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Father: Clyde Percival Starbuck

Mother: Anna Ellis Fry

Name: Carl J Starbuck

Birth: 24 Mar 1919 Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon, United States

Death: 17 Nov 1980 Eagle Point, Jackson, Oregon, United States

Father: Carl Elmer Starbuck

Mother: Margaret Orin Mitchell

Name: Francis A Starbuck

Birth: abt 1903 Illinois

Death: 17 Jun 1994 Seminole, Pinellas, Florida, USA

Father: William Wesley Starbuck

Mother: Rosa King (Koening)

Name: Raymond R Starbuck

Birth: 3 Feb 1896 Union, Clinton, Ohio, USA

Death: 17 Jan 1979 Plain City, Madison Co, Ohio

Father: Jesse C Starbuck

Mother: Osee H. Williams

Name: Alta M. Starbuck

Birth: Jan 1886 Iowa, USA

Death: Oct 18, 1967 Iowa

Father: Winfield Scott STARBUCK

Mother: Manetta Drake

Name: Ester Rose Starbuck

Birth: July 10, 1904 Ohio

Death: 16 Feb 1998 Longmont, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Father: Edward L Starbuck

Mother: Rosella Kline

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