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Results for "spwal"

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Name: Anthony (Tony) Speal

Birth: 12 Mar 1905 Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 3 Nov 1940 Greensburg, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Donato Graziano Speal

Mother: Fortunata Giordano

Name: Pauline Spal

Birth: 6 Jan 1904 Drahovce, Piest'any, Trnava, Trnavsky, Slovakia

Death: 17 Mar 1980 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Peter Spal

Mother: Katharina/Katherine/Katerina/Catherine Rusnak

Name: Frank Speal

Birth: 27 Apr 1912 Salemville

Death: 1971 Gain '' sville, Fla.

Father: Donato Graziano Speal

Mother: Fortunata Giordano

Name: Daniel Swal

Birth: March 6 1930 New Jersey

Death: Feb 1982 Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Father: Peter Edward Swal

Mother: Mary Gura

Name: Isaac Suwal

Birth: 1 Oct 1868 Russia

Death: 14 Aug 1923 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USA

Father: Aaron Suwal

Mother: Bersie Rubenstein

Name: Ella M Sawal

Birth: 03 Jun 1898 Monroe, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 21 Aug 1972 Wisconsin

Father: Robert Savall

Mother: Anna RULLAND

Name: Tony Speal

Birth: 12 Mar 1905 Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1940

Father: Donato Graziano Speal

Mother: Fortunata Giordano

Name: Emil Spal

Birth: 30 Aug 1931 Illinois ? 15th

Death: 20 Apr 2011 Romeoville, Will, Illinois

Father: Emanuel Spal

Mother: Mary Sneberger

Name: Camillia Spal

Birth: abt 1889 Czechoslovakia

Death: 15 May 1976 Big Bend, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Thomas Szpál

Mother: Elisabetha Sztreerri Sztreczky

Name: Emma Spawl

Birth: abt 1853 Lichfield, Staffordshire, England

Death: Sept 1930 boney hay staffordshire-Lichfield

Father: Samuel WILCOX

Mother: Ann WOOLLEY

Name: Harold Austin Suwal

Birth: 24 Jul 1943 Dallas, Texas

Death: 31 Dec 1971 Dallas, Texas

Father: Abraham Max Suwal

Mother: Billie Hall

Name: Rose Spal

Birth: 20 Oct 1865 Bohemia

Death: 19 Jul 1945 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: John Spal

Mother: Katerina Benes

Name: James Alvin Speal

Birth: 19 Aug 1912 Toronto, York Co. Ontario

Death: 1987 Windsor Ontario Canada

Father: Peter Speal

Mother: Anna Stasia Pitt

Name: Sophie, Félicité SWAL

Birth: 21/02/1803 Armbouts Cappel; 59, nord, france

Death: 12/03/1866 Spycker, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Father: Pierre Jean Swal

Mother: Régine MASSUE

Name: Jacque Remi Swal

Birth: 26 Aug 1955 Paris, France

Death: 26 May 1995

Father: Daniel R Swal

Mother: Louisa Belle Higgins

Name: Marie Thérèse SWAL

Birth: 20 SEP 1791 Herzeele,59470,Nord-Pas-de-Calais,,FRANCE,

Death: 26 SEP 1845 Loôn Plage,59279,Nord-Pas-de-Calais,,FRANCE,Nord

Father: Ignace SWAL

Mother: Anne Marie COURTOIS

Name: Pauline Caroline Spal

Birth: abt 1900 Czechoslovakia

Death: 30 Oct 1990 Los Angeles

Father: Joseph Bunata

Mother: Marie Prucha

Name: Joannes Hubertus Spal

Birth: 13 Mai 1691 Wehl, Gelderland, Nederland

Death: 14 Sep 1761 Wehl, Gelderland, Nederland

Father: Berndt) Spal

Mother: Maria van Groll

Name: Jacomina Spal

Birth: 21. Sept. 1732 Wehl, Gelderland, Nederland

Death: 12. Mrz. 1799 Bahr, en, Lathum, Angerlo, Gelderland, Niederlande

Father: Joannes Hubertus Spal

Mother: Margarita Berentsen

Name: Zachary Shwal

Birth: 1920 Caito, Egypt

Death: 27 April 1983 New York - USA

Father: Jacques Shual

Mother: Rachèle Horovitz

Name: Abe Suwal

Birth: 4 Jul 1897 Texas

Death: Mar 1973 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA

Father: Isaac Suwal

Mother: Celia Suwal

Name: Alice Spawl

Birth: abt 1871 Staines, Middlesex, England

Death: Aft Apr 1911

Father: John Spall

Mother: Mary Ann Wooden

Name: John Spawl

Birth: 3 Nov 1702 Norfolk, England, United Kingdom

Death: Not Available

Father: John Spawl

Mother: Sarah Denny

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