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Results for "snvad"

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Name: Valeta E. Snead

Birth: abt 1893 Indiana

Death: 17 November 1970 Mishawaka, St. Joseph County, Indiana, United States of America

Father: William Henry Snead

Mother: Mattie Stewart

Name: Barbara Ann Snead

Birth: 31 May 1931 Mecklenburg, Virginia, USA

Death: 22 Dec 2002 Mecklenburg, Virginia, USA

Father: Walter Marshall Snead

Mother: Bessie Leigh Crow

Name: Archibald H Snead

Birth: February 1858 Tennessee, United States of America

Death: 15 Sept 1923 Tennessee , USA

Father: Nathaniel Macon Sneed

Mother: Virginia Law

Name: Mary E Snead

Birth: 3 Oct 1846 Georgia

Death: 25 Sep 1930 Grove, Halifax, Virginia, United States

Father: William Verlander

Mother: Mary E

Name: Archibald H Snead

Birth: 3 Jan 1893 Alabama

Death: Jul 1946 Louisiana, USA

Father: Archibald Henderson Sneed

Mother: Alice E. Hoffman

Name: Paul Brenner Snead

Birth: 19 Jan 1918 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 29 Jun 2001 New Oxford, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Paul Dewey Snead

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Brenner

Name: Claude Ernest Snead

Birth: 04 Jul 1920 Walhalla South, South Carolina, USA

Death: 14 Jan 1999 Atlanta, GA

Father: James E Snead

Mother: Lucy Pawnee Edwards

Name: Harold SNEAD

Birth: 19 Sep 1911 Madison County, Indiana

Death: 17 Dec 1984 Elmhurst, Lackawanna Co, Pennsylvania

Father: William Lee Snead

Mother: Lillie M Marsh

Name: Mary Virginia Snead

Birth: Jul 21, 1888 Virginia

Death: Mar 03, 1977 Palm Beach, Florida

Father: Joseph Terry Snead

Mother: Florrie P Snead

Name: James H. Snead

Birth: ABT SEP 1875 WV

Death: 4 March 1962 Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia, United States of America

Father: James T. Snead

Mother: Mary V Meador

Name: Lela R Snead

Birth: 8 Dec 1894 Lick, Creek, Union County, Illinois, USA

Death: 26 Aug 1989 Lebanon, Saint Clair Co, Illinois

Father: Thomas Evans Richardson

Mother: Rhoda T. MENEESE (Richardson)

Name: Grievous S Snead

Birth: 19 Mar 1885 Manakin Sabot, Goochland, Virginia, USA

Death: 25 Jul 1979 Manakin Sabot, Goochland, Virginia, USA

Father: Matthew Snead

Mother: Willianna Jackson Snead

Name: Albert Snead

Birth: 22 May 1856 Linn Co., OR

Death: 31 Jan 1941 Coos, Coos, Oregon, United States

Father: Finley Sneed

Mother: Sophia (McKee) Sneed Beckworth Caldwell

Name: Andrew B Snead

Birth: 10 Mar 1878 Virginia

Death: 4 September 1959 Richmond City, Virginia, USA

Father: Walker Gilmer Snead

Mother: Isabella Jones

Name: Cynthia Amanda Snead

Birth: 08 Apr 1835 North Carolina, United States

Death: 8 May 1891 South Carolina, United States

Father: Phillip Snead

Mother: Cynthia Roundtree

Name: Viola Vane Snead

Birth: 18 Aug 1885 Virginia, United States

Death: 12 Dec 1961 South Carolina, United States

Father: Charles Chaplin Snead

Mother: Clara Elizabeth McCormick

Name: Martin Hunington Snead

Birth: 7 Sep 1873 Virginia

Death: 24 Feb 1926 Danville, Pittsylvania, Virginia, USA

Father: Archibald E Snead

Mother: Martha F. Snead

Name: Elizabeth Jane Snead

Birth: 7 Mar 1872 Dallas, Texas, USA

Death: 19 Apr 1950 Harris, Texas

Father: William David Snead

Mother: Harriet Newman Nance

Name: Wilbur Gordon Snead

Birth: 14 May 1912 Virginia, United States

Death: 20 Oct 1988 Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, United States of America

Father: Herman Binford Snead

Mother: Willie Somerville Dunn

Name: John Phillip Snead

Birth: 9 Jul 1913 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska

Death: 29 Oct 1986 Missouri, United States

Father: John Patrick Snead

Mother: Blanche Adell Harbaugh

Name: James Given Snead

Birth: 4 Jan 1915 Giles Co, VA

Death: 29 Nov 2008 Roanoke, VA

Father: Samuel Roger Snead

Mother: Sallie Matilda Bird

Name: Mary E Snead

Birth: 17 Jan 1830 Maryland, USA

Death: 4 Aug 1892 Wilmot, Kansas, USA

Father: John Snead

Mother: Caroline Gann

Name: Grace Emma Snead

Birth: 17 Apr 1906 Forsyth, Monroe, Georgia, USA

Death: 10 Dec 1996 Dougherty, Mitchell, GA

Father: Shockley Gibson Snead

Mother: Claudia Augusta Lightfoot

Name: Richard A Snead

Birth: 1871 Missouri, USA

Death: 22 July 1930 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USA

Father: Richard W. Sneed

Mother: Mary Ann Moore

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