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Results for "savant"

Name: Steve Savant

Birth: 2 July 1915 Indiana

Death: 30 September 1986 Clark, Nevada, USA

Father: Giovanni Savant-Levet

Mother: Anna Savant-Motton

Name: Adolph Savant

Birth: 24 Dec 1833 Ville Platte, Evangeline, Louisiana, United States

Death: 22 Feb 1885 Whiteville, St Landry Parish, Louisiana, USA

Father: Jean Pierre Savant

Mother: Lucille Phillipe Fontenot

Name: Hosea Hampton Savant

Birth: 14 October 1903 Ville Platte, Louisiana

Death: 18 Jan 1970 Ville Platte, LA

Father: John P Savant

Mother: Lucie Lucretia Foret

Name: Henry Lloyd Savant

Birth: 2 Apr 1880 Police Jury Ward, St Landry, Louisiana, USA

Death: Abt. Jul 1962 LA

Father: Onesime Savant

Mother: Elmina Lafleur

Name: Nina Lou Savant

Birth: 15 Sep 1923 Barstow, San Bernardino, California, USA

Death: 22 Aug 2001 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Father: William Hope Survant

Mother: Hollis B

Name: Regina Savant

Birth: 22 Feb 1891 Ville Platte, Evangeline, LA

Death: 23 Apr 1954 Ville Platte, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana

Father: Armide Amadee Savant

Mother: Irma Guillory savant

Name: Margareta Katherine Savant

Birth: 01 Nov 1888 Coassolo, Torinese, Piedmont, ITL

Death: 22 Jan 1980 Linn, MO

Father: John Savant

Mother: Anna Savant-Motton

Name: Domenico Savant

Birth: abt 1876 Italy

Death: 6 Apr 1963 East Detroit, Macomb, Michigan, United States

Father: Antonio Savant Levet

Mother: Teresa Musso

Name: Eurick "Eurie" Savant

Birth: abt 1887 Louisiana

Death: 19 Nov 1951 Allen, Louisiana, USA

Father: Jean Savant

Mother: Felicia Foret Savant

Name: Domenico Pietro Savant

Birth: February 17, 1885 Nole, Torino, Piemonte, Italy

Death: April 24, 1968 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USA

Father: Nicola "Nick" Savant

Mother: Christina Vigne

Name: Benj Savant

Birth: 1833 Louisiana

Death: 1 MAR 1926 Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USA

Father: Jean Pierre Savant

Mother: Lucille Phillipe Fontenot

Name: John Savant

Birth: 1900 Silver Plume, Clear Creek, Colorado, USA

Death: 23 JUL 1986 San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Father: Giovanni "John" Savant-Levet

Mother: Mary Maria Savant-Levet

Name: Abbie Savant

Birth: 15 Mar 1921 Ville Platte, Evangeline, Louisiana, USA

Death: 19 May 1977 Ville Platte, Evangeline, Louisiana, USA

Father: Arthur Savant

Mother: Therese Soileau

Name: Alfred Savant

Birth: 29 Sep 1886 Louisiana, United States

Death: Apr 1966 Shreveport, Caddo, Louisiana, United States of America

Father: Robert Philippe Savant

Mother: Frances Elvina Reed

Name: Octavia Savant

Birth: 3 Nov 1895 Louisiana

Death: 24 MAR 1974 Oakdale Hospital, Oakdale, LA Bur: Indian Village Cem.

Father: Lucius Savant

Mother: Elotere Elathaere Nevill Savant

Name: Marie Savant

Birth: abt 1904 Louisiana

Death: Nov 1990 Abbeville, Vermilion, Louisiana, USA

Father: Henry Lloyd Savant

Mother: Gertrude Laurena Campbell

Name: Amada Savant

Birth: 29 JAN 1891 Kinder, Allen, LA

Death: 18 Sep 1974 Kinder, Louisiana, USA

Father: Lucius Savant

Mother: Elotere Elathaere Nevill Savant

Name: Antonio Savant

Birth: 2 Oct 1878 Italy

Death: 4 Nov 1957 Clinton, Vermillion, Indiana, USA

Father: Nicola "Nick" Savant

Mother: Christina Vigne

Name: Columbus Savant

Birth: 24 May 1915 Louisiana

Death: 25 Mar 1955 Houston, Harris, Texas, USA

Father: Amada Savant

Mother: Artemise Nugent

Name: Edmond Savant

Birth: 8 FEB 1881 Washington, Saint Landry, LA

Death: 18 Feb 1915 Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: Edmond Savant

Mother: Mary Louisa Savant (Lee)

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