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Results for "richardson"

Name: samuel richardson

Birth: 18 nov 1893 Northern Ireland

Death: 8 Nov 1971 Punta Gorda, Charlotte, Florida, USA

Father: Hans Lemon Richardson

Mother: Ellen McCallum

Name: Mangum Frank Richardson

Birth: 30 Dec 1845 Alamance County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 12 Mar 1931 Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas, USA

Father: Richard Buckner Richardson

Mother: Phebe Lindley

Name: Clyde Giddion Richardson

Birth: 2 Dec 1888 Arkansas

Death: Aug 1975 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA

Father: George Samuel Richardson

Mother: Delilah Stokesberry

Name: Obrey Ellis Richardson

Birth: 1 Feb 1908 Alabama

Death: 18 January 1996 Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, USA

Father: Jarrett Wood Richardson

Mother: Lilla Blanch Logan*


Birth: abt 1836 Maulden

Death: 2 Jan 1915 Woburn, Bedfordshire, England

Father: John Richardson

Mother: Elizabeth Northwood

Name: Jesse A Richardson

Birth: 7 Aug 1892 Washington

Death: 6 Jan 1960 Riverside County, California, USA

Father: Frank Richardson

Mother: Bette MacDowell


Birth: 3 September 1846 New York

Death: 1906 New York United States

Father: William Richardson

Mother: Eunice Winch

Name: Bonnie Lorena Richardson

Birth: 17 May 1904 Virginia

Death: 1984/11/25 , Pa

Father: Robert Lee Richardson

Mother: Sarah Carolyn Martin

Name: Florence Richardson

Birth: 9 March 1882 Littlehampton, Sussex, , England

Death: 27 December 1963 33 Gloucester Place, Littlehampton, Sussex

Father: Daniel Richardson

Mother: Caroline Ayling

Name: Margaret Richardson

Birth: 18 Aug 1875 South Carolina, USA

Death: 9/30/1958 Buried in Laurelwood (Rock Hill)

Father: John* Jefferson Richardson

Mother: Jane Rebecca Rodgers

Name: Rosa L. Richardson

Birth: abt 1894 Texas

Death: 20 Jan 1974 Leakey, Real, Texas, USA

Father: Isaac L Richardson

Mother: Mariah Louisa Pipes

Name: Thomas Richardson

Birth: 28 Oct 1806 Fatfield, Durham, England

Death: October 1867 Chester le Street, Durham

Father: John Richardson

Mother: Margaret WILSON

Name: Albert Richardson

Birth: Jul 1848 Maine

Death: 27 Apr 1901 Alpena, Alpena co., Michigan

Father: Ebenezer Richardson

Mother: Sarah J. Frost

Name: Erwin Richardson

Birth: 10 Mar 1934 Massachusetts

Death: 14 Oct 2012 Chelan, Washington, USA

Father: Erwin Mark Richardson

Mother: Madeline C Willard

Name: Martha L Richardson

Birth: abt 1851 North Carolina

Death: 11 Feb 1931 Whitfield Co., GA

Father: Alfred H. Richardson

Mother: Celestia Ann Tillman (Richardson)

Name: James Alvin Richardson

Birth: 26 Mar 1931 Oklahoma, USA

Death: Jul 1990 Oklahoma, USA

Father: Roscoe Conklin Richardson

Mother: Sadie Louise Hansen

Name: Gertrude Richardson

Birth: 18 Oct 1888 North Carolina

Death: Jul 1976 El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States of America

Father: Augustus Tilman Richardson

Mother: Hattie Lougean Kennedy

Name: John Jousha Richardson

Birth: 17 July 1838 Izard County, Arkansas, USA

Death: 13 Nov 1925 Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USA

Father:   Richardson

Mother: Elizabeth 'Betsy' Harpole

Name: Jeneva Nancy Richardson

Birth: Apr 1857 Illinois

Death: 1917 KS

Father: Jesse P Richardson

Mother: Margaret Whiteside-Richardson

Name: Mamie Isabelle Richardson

Birth: 16 Sep 1902 Iowa, United States

Death: Jan 1987 Faulkton, Faulk, South Dakota, USA

Father: James Henry Richardson

Mother: Ida May Rollins

Name: John L Richardson

Birth: 12 Jun 1887 Riverton, Sangamon, Illinois, USA

Death: 27 Sep 1966 Lewis and Clark, Montana, USA

Father: John D Richardson

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Doenges

Name: Stella Irene Richardson

Birth: 11 Sep 1906 Wilkes

Death: 14 Jul 1965 Wilkes County, NC

Father: Ulysses Richardson

Mother: Rhoda Melissa Holbrook

Name: George Francis Richardson

Birth: 13 Feb 1895 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, United States

Death: 9 Dec 1946 Pleasant Grove, Utah, Utah, United States

Father: John Thornton Richardson

Mother: Isabella Muir

Name: Dave A. Richardson

Birth: 24 Dec 1878 Illinois

Death: Apr 1965 Missouri

Father: Thomas David RICHARDSON

Mother: Mary Trout

Name: Elizabeth Richardson

Birth: 12 October 1841 Florida

Death: 17 May 1911 Arkansas, USA

Father: Charles Bonner

Mother: Nancy Bonner

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