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Results for "rajk"

Name: Frank Rajk

Birth: abt 1894 Yugoslavia

Death: Jul 1973 Castile, Wyoming, New York, USA

Father: Gasper Rajk

Mother: Terezija Pipan

Name: Charlott Rajk

Birth: 6 Jul 1902 Przytoki, Poland

Death: 13 February 1972 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: Alexander Serafin Samuel

Mother: Konstancja Drzewiecka

Name: Anthony Rajk

Birth: 16 Jun 1883 Austria

Death: 15 Jan 1914 Steelton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Anton Riejk

Mother: Mary Riejk

Name: William F. Rajk

Birth: 27 Jan 1933 Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 21 Jan 2019 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: Anthony Rajk

Mother: Catherine Anna SOLAMON

Name: Louis Edward Rajk

Birth: 11/26/1928 Warsaw Wyomi, New York

Death: 2003 FL

Father: Frank Rajk

Mother: Mary LUZER

Name: Mary F. RAJK

Birth: 28 Feb 1927 Siver Springs, Wyoming, New York, United States

Death: 17 May 2017 Batavia, Genesee, New York, USA

Father: Frank Rajk

Mother: Mary LUZER

Name: Mária Rajk

Birth: 19 Dec 1888 Hajdúböszörmény

Death: 20 Dec 1888 Hajdúböszörmény

Father: Pál Rajk

Mother: Angyél Smaraglai

Name: Richard Rajk

Birth: 24 Jan 1928 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 09 Feb 1929 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Joseph V. Rajk

Mother: Charlotte Samuel

Name: Anthony George RAJK

Birth: 23 Feb 1934 Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 15 Sep 2006 Marysville (Perry County), Perry County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Anthony Rajk

Mother: Catherine A. Solamon

Name: Angeline Rajk

Birth: 27 Jun 1923 Silver Springs, Wyoming, New York, USA

Death: 22 Feb 2003 Warsaw, Wyoming County, New York, United States of America

Father: Frank Rajk

Mother: Mary LUZER

Name: Anthony Rajk

Birth: Abt. 1911 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Anton Rajk

Mother: Anna Brodaric

Name: Marija Rajk

Birth: 1822

Death: 28 April 1895 Suhi dol Village (Slovenia)

Father: Jozef Rajk

Mother: Gertrude KLAJDER

Name: Maria Rajk

Birth: 13 Jul 1797 Gaberje, Brusnice, Slovenia

Death: 31 Aug 1862 Gaberje, Brusnice, Slovenia

Father: Martin Rajk

Mother: Anna Božjak Vočjak?

Name: Catherine Rajk

Birth: Abt. 1932 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 09 Apr 2015 Swatara, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Anthony Rajk

Mother: Catherine A. Solamon

Name: Frank Joseph RAJK

Birth: 22 Dec 1921 Silver Springs, Wyoming, New York, USA

Death: 11 April 2007 Largo, Pinellas County, Florida, USA

Father: Frank Rajk

Mother: Mary LUZER

Name: Mária Rajk

Birth: 1889

Death: 12 Jul 1915 Újfehértó, Szabolcs, Hungary

Father: Miklós Rajk

Mother: Juliánna Kriston

Name: Helen Marie Rajk

Birth: 3 Oct 1930 Chester Ches, Pennsylvania

Death: 2 Jan 2005 Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Anthony Rajk

Mother: Catherine A. Solamon

Name: Mery Rajk

Birth: 29 Aug 1887 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: Frank Rajk

Mother: Franciska Juncykouska Rajk

Name: Mária Rajk

Birth: 28 FEB 1877 jfehértó, Magyarország

Death: Not Available

Father: Antal Rajz

Mother: Katalin Józsa

Name: Joseph Rajk

Birth: abt 1942 Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph V. Rajk

Mother: Private

Name: Gasper Rajk

Birth: abt 1866 Austria

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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