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Results for "rajher"

Name: Magdalena Rajher

Birth: 31 May 1863 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 12 Feb 1951 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Philippus Rajher

Mother: Rosalia Ujlaki

Name: Anna Rajher

Birth: 25 Jul 1903 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 2 Sep 1976

Father: Vincentius Rajher

Mother: Anna Fuss

Name: Terez Rajher

Birth: 20 Sep 1884 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 14 Apr 1963 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Hieronymus Rajher

Mother: Theresia Szabolics

Name: Istvan Rajher

Birth: 6 Aug 1887 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 6 Mar 1915

Father: Joseph Rajher

Mother: Maria Sziladi

Name: Vincentius Rajher

Birth: 21 Jan 1862 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Martinus Rajher

Mother: Susana Virgey

Name: Joannes Rajher

Birth: 1852 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Philippus Rajher

Mother: Rosalia Ujlaki

Name: Carlous Rajher

Birth: 27 Oct 1887 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 3 Oct 1948 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Georgius Rajher

Mother: Magdalena Matotek

Name: Stephanus Rajher

Birth: 1842 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Philippus Rajher

Mother: Rosalia Ujlaki

Name: Ilona Rajher

Birth: 6 May 1902 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 3 May 1907 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Martin Rajher

Mother: Regina Siladi

Name: Vitus Rajher

Birth: 22 May 1875 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Antonius Rajher

Mother: Caecilia Radmanic

Name: Antonius Rajher

Birth: 17 Jan 1855 Kotoriba, Medimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Antonius Rajher

Mother: Caecilia Radmanic

Name: Maria Rajher

Birth: 11 Mar 1885 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Antonius Rajher

Mother: Antonia Fuss

Name: Ferencz Rajher

Birth: 19 Mar 1890 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Rajher

Mother: Maria Sziladi

Name: Catharina Rajher

Birth: 19 Nov 1808 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 1808 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Georgius Rajher

Mother: Marianna Priplat

Name: Barbalya Rajher

Birth: 1 Dec 1895 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Rajher

Mother: Maria Sziladi

Name: Katalin Rajher

Birth: 19 Nov 1893 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Rajher

Mother: Maria Sziladi

Name: Joseph rajher

Birth: 1920 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, USA

Death: 1993 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, USA

Father: Michael Rajher

Mother: Theresa Rajher

Name: Matthaeus Matyas Rajher

Birth: 10 Sep 1886 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Joannes Rajher

Name: Theresa Rajher

Birth: 21 Sep 1888 Kotoriba, Međimurje, Croatia

Death: 11 Oct 1964 Donji Vidovec, Međimurje, Croatia

Father: Private

Mother: Anastasia Vugrinčić

Name: Marina Rajher

Birth: 21.3.1967 Petrinja, Sisak-Moslavina, Croatia

Death: / -

Father: Josip Rajher

Mother: Private

Name: Donna Rajher

Birth: 1930 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, USA

Death: 2009 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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