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Results for "pysick"

Name: Peter Joseph Pysick

Birth: 20 Feb 1886 Minnesota

Death: 20 Feb 1983 Carver

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Agnes Catherine Pysick

Birth: Dec 27, 1890 Minnesota

Death: Jul 04, 1968 Watertown, Carver, Minnesota

Father: Lorenz Stottko

Mother: Mary Koroll

Name: Christina Pysick

Birth: 22 Jul 1853 Germany/Poland

Death: 13 APR 1919 Delano, Wright Co, Minnesota

Father: Joseph Psyk

Mother: Christina Psyk

Name: Joseph Pysick

Birth: 15 July 1854 Brinnitz, Oppeln, Schlesien, Prussia

Death: 16 October 1937 Eitel Hospital, 1375 Willow Street, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: Mattheus Pysick

Mother: Louise Herrman

Name: Joseph Pysick

Birth: 1 Nov 1900 Minnesota

Death: 12 Mar 1997 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Margaret Pysick

Birth: 02 June 1894 Hollywood Township, Carver County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 15 MAY 1968 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: John M. Pysick

Birth: 16 May 1879 Grabczok, Oppeln, Schlesien, Germany

Death: 07 July 1972 Delano Manor Nursing Home, Delano, Wright, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Martin Edward Pysick

Birth: 30 October 1883 Hollywood Township, Carver County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 06 October 1968 Watertown Nursing Home, Watertown, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Anastasia Pysick

Birth: 17 August 1881 Franklin Township, Wright County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 30 August 1972 Watertown Community Hospital, Watertown, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Ralph Warner Pysick

Birth: 6/11/1933 Watertown, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Death: 12/12/1998 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Dorothea Minnie Louisa Lange

Name: Charles Christopher Pysick

Birth: 04 March 1891 Hollywood Township, Carver County, Minnesota, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Sophia Pysick

Birth: February 1888 Hollywood Township, Carver County, Minnesota, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph Pysick

Mother: Marie Bzdok

Name: Lauren Martin Pysick

Birth: Jul 19, 1920

Death: Jan 15, 2009 Watertown, Carver, Minnesota

Father: Martin Edward Pysick

Mother: Agnes Catherine Stotko

Name: Evelyn Mary Pysick

Birth: 28 Mar 1916

Death: 17 Feb 1926

Father: Martin Edward Pysick

Mother: Private

Name: Christina Pysick

Birth: 22 Jul 1853 Germany/Poland

Death: 13 APR 1919 Delano, Wright Co, Minnesota

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Mattheus Pysick

Birth: Not Available Prussia

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Lauren Pysick

Birth: 1927 Watertown, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Death: 2009

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Charles C. Pysick

Birth: 4 Mar 1891 Minnesota

Death: 25 Jul 1985 Maple Plain, Hennepin, Minnesota

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Martin Pysick

Birth: 1885 Minnesota

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sophie Rose Pysick

Birth: abt 1891 Watertown, Carver, Minnesota, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Wojcek Pysick

Birth: Not Available Austria

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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