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Results for "pyfrin"

Name: Serafina Pyfrin

Birth: 12 June 1921 Calabria, Italy

Death: 11 January 2012 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: Pasquale Accorinti

Mother: Annunciata Russo

Name: Ruth A Pyfrin

Birth: abt 1897 Kentucky

Death: Not Available Connersville, Indiana, USA

Father: ALVY Landon Kerr

Mother: Alma Florence Thomas

Name: Mabel Lorena Pyfrin

Birth: 23 Aug 1886 Butler, Ohio, USA

Death: 1972

Father: Samuel C Pyfrin

Mother: Josephine Moore

Name: Beverley Pyfrin

Birth: 3 June 1929 Ohio, USA

Death: 3 Jan. 1970 Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Father: Kenneth Faye Pyfrin

Mother: Thelma May List

Name: Raymond Luther Pyfrin

Birth: 28 Oct 1912 Ohio

Death: 30 June 1975 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: John Sherman Pyfrin

Mother: Myrtle E Randall

Name: Joseph F Pyfrin

Birth: 25 Apr 1918 Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, USA

Death: 12 March 2005 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, USA

Father: Joseph Francis Pyfrin Sr

Mother: Ruth ALMA Kerr

Name: Joseph F. Pyfrin

Birth: abt 1895 Indiana

Death: Not Available Connersville, Indiana, USA

Father: Sherman Arthur Pyfrin

Mother: Catherine C. Pyfrin

Name: Catherine Pyfrin

Birth: abt 1868 Indiana

Death: 23 Nov 1945 Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana, United States of America

Father: Alorentine Michael

Mother: Mary Norton Michael

Name: Sherman A. Pyfrin

Birth: 1865 Ohio, United States

Death: 19 May 1940 Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, USA

Father: John S Pyfrin

Mother: Hester McCoy

Name: Gerald William Pyfrin

Birth: 20 May 1939 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Death: 2 June 1995 Monroe, Florida, USA

Father: Kenneth Faye Pyfrin

Mother: Thelma May List

Name: Ann Elizabeth Pyfrin

Birth: 15 Dec 1822 New Jersey, United States of America

Death: 7 December 1899 Flat Rock Tp., Columbus, IN

Father: John Pyfrin

Mother: Mary Smith

Name: Donald A Pyfrin

Birth: 6 Feb 1923 Ohio, United States

Death: 28 Mar 1980 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: William Taulby Blanton

Mother: Edith Sanks - Gabbard, Pyfrin, Blanton

Name: John Sherman Pyfrin

Birth: 2 December 1889 Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA

Death: 14 March 1934 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: Samuel C Pyfrin

Mother: Josephine Moore

Name: Hester Catherine Pyfrin

Birth: 23 October 1883 Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA

Death: 2 June 1934 Eaton, Preble, Ohio, USA

Father: Samuel C Pyfrin

Mother: Josephine Moore

Name: Kenneth Faye Pyfrin

Birth: 19 January 1911 Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA

Death: 14 Dec 1973 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: John Sherman Pyfrin

Mother: Myrtle E Randall

Name: Samuel C Pyfrin

Birth: November 1850 Glendale, Springfield, Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Death: 14 Jun 1918 Reilly, Butler County, Ohio, USA

Father: John S Pyfrin

Mother: Hester McCoy

Name: Ruth M. Pyfrin

Birth: Apr 1894 Ohio

Death: 27 July 1970 Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, USA

Father: Edgar Allen Tuley

Mother: Mary Edith Smith

Name: Shepherd Pyfrin

Birth: Abt. 1834 Ohio, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: John Pyfrin

Mother: Mary Smith

Name: Anthony M Pyfrin

Birth: 29 Mar 1947 Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, United States of America

Death: 3 April 2007 Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, USA

Father: Donald A Pyfrin

Mother: Serafina Pyfrin

Name: William Arthur Pyfrin

Birth: 31 July 1923 Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, USA

Death: 5 August 2008 Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Father: Joseph Francis Pyfrin

Mother: Ruth Alma Kerr

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