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Results for "povich"

Name: Michael James Povich

Birth: 21 November 1915 Pennsylvania

Death: 1948 Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Lazo Povich

Mother: Milica Pavlovich

Name: Shirley Lewis Povich

Birth: 15 Jul 1905 Bar Harbor, Maine, USA

Death: 04 Jun 1998 Washington, D.C.

Father: Nathan Povich

Mother: Rosa Orlovich

Name: Rosalyn Annette Povich

Birth: 20 Jun 1945 Johnstown

Death: 13 August 2009 Windber, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Michael James Povich

Mother: Ruth Marie Doubt


Birth: 15 Sep 1921 Michigan

Death: 26 Sep 2010 Iron River, Iron, Michigan, USA

Father: John Povich

Mother: Celia Bonovich

Name: Paul Povich

Birth: abt 1916 Iowa

Death: 8 Dec 1993 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA

Father: Mike Povich

Mother: Sarah Potkonjac

Name: Lazo Povich

Birth: abt 1884 Austria

Death: 1950 Johnston, Cambria, Pennsylvania

Father: Ignatia Pavich

Mother: Stanitza Pavlovic

Name: Bernard D. Povich

Birth: 2 March 1942 St Louis County, Missouri, USA

Death: 8 December 1989 Chesterfield, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Father: Bernard Joseph Povich

Mother: Violet A Fiebig

Name: Milan N Povich

Birth: 1 Oct 1918 Johnstown PA, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 24 Mar 1990 Broward, Florida, United States

Father: Lazo Povich

Mother: Milica Pavlovich

Name: Donald M. Povich

Birth: 27 Nov 1926 Bath Sagadah, Maine

Death: 10 Jun 2001 Bath, Sagadahoc, Maine, USA

Father: Morris S Povich

Mother: Eva Povich

Name: joseph povich

Birth: 29 December 1911 Scotland

Death: 16 March 1977 Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio, USA

Father: Matthew "Max" Povich

Mother: Anna Grigalvicius

Name: Albert Simon Povich

Birth: abt 1925 Maine

Death: 11 Feb 2011 Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland

Father: Morris S Povich

Mother: Eva Povich

Name: Zorka POVICH

Birth: 1913 (Maybe Oakland, California, Yugoslavia

Death: Not Available Oregon, USA

Father: James Povich

Mother: Gaelana (Some Records Show Gaitana)

Name: Goldie Povich

Birth: 14 Jan 1896 Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine, USA

Death: Apr 1984 Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine, United States of America

Father: Michael Povich

Mother: Esther Fannie Glazer

Name: Albert Edward Povich

Birth: 2 Apr 1922 Fernwood, Jefferson County, Ohio, USA

Death: 7 Oct 2005 Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Matthew "Max" Povich

Mother: Anna Grigalvicius

Name: Michael Povich

Birth: 20 Nov 1886 Lucova, Austria

Death: 8 February 1968 Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Charlie Povich

Mother: Annie Chutloj

Name: David A. Povich

Birth: 3 August 1946 Ferguson, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Death: 30 May 1996

Father: Bernard Joseph Povich

Mother: Violet A Fiebig

Name: Mike Povich

Birth: abt 1912 Slavonia

Death: 22 Dec 2002

Father: Mike Povec

Mother: Katarina Tocek

Name: Ivan Povich

Birth: 7 December 1915 Missouri

Death: 15 July 1976

Father: George Povich

Mother: Margaret Lewis

Name: Cynthia Louise Povich

Birth: 31 Jan 1955 Plainfield, Union, New Jersey, USA

Death: 14 Sep 2005 Princeton, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Father: Joseph Povich

Mother: Stella Povich

Name: Jennie Povich

Birth: 1872 Russia

Death: 1945

Father: Simon (Pertzikovitz)

Mother: Eva Wasserman

Name: Ann Povich

Birth: 1 Jan 1917 Ohio

Death: 2 Feb 1999 Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Matthew "Max" Povich

Mother: Anna Grigalvicius

Name: Nathan Povich

Birth: 01 Jun 1862 Baltermantz, Lithuania

Death: 15 Feb 1931 Washington, D.C

Father: Simon (Shevach) Povich (Pertzikovitz)

Mother: Eva (Rivka) Wasserman

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