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Results for "paovo"

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Name: Edna E. Provo

Birth: 19 Apr 1886 Pennsylvania

Death: Jan 1969 Jackson Center, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: James Proud

Mother: Margaret Gordon

Name: Peter PROVO

Birth: 1858 Holland

Death: 3 SEP 1938 Seattle, King, WA

Father: Izaac PROVO

Mother: Adriana Pesteling

Name: Joseph P Provo

Birth: 17 Mar 1900 Fraser, Bay, Michigan, USA

Death: 30 Apr 1959 Pinconning, Fraser, Bay, MI, USA

Father: Joseph Camall Provost

Mother: Virginia Evon Phoenix

Name: Carmen Ann Paolo

Birth: 28 Sep 1920 Gaston, Washington County, Oregon, USA

Death: 10 May 2013 King, Washington, USA

Father: Michael Pitardi

Mother: Maria Barone

Name: Isaacc Provo

Birth: 6 Jun 1900 Wisconsin, USA

Death: 14 Nov 1975 Seattle, King, Washington, USA

Father: Peter PROVO

Mother: Cornelia Maria VAN ACKER

Name: Marvin N Provo

Birth: 6 Nov 1921 Wolcott, Indiana

Death: 16 Jul 1990 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Father: Levi Arthur Provo

Mother: Rose Lucille Wagner

Name: Elsie P Provo

Birth: abt 1905 Michigan

Death: 26 Jun 1999 Sedona, Coconino, Arizona, United States of America

Father: Charles Riech

Mother: Charlotte W Wiesenauer

Name: Anthony Joseph paolo

Birth: 16 Oct 1900 Campania, Caserta, Gallo Matese, Italy

Death: 1 Jan 1964 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Joseph Giuseppe Paolo

Mother: Vittoria Jennie Pirraglia

Name: Selina Provo

Birth: 14 Aug 1895 Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA

Death: 31 Dec 1975 Saute Ste Marie, Chippewa, Michigan

Father: Joseph Provo

Mother: Cornelia Gouin

Name: Hannah S Paavo

Birth: 13 Apr 1889 Övertorneå, Norrbotten, Sweden

Death: 22 Nov 1974 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Karl Johan Isaksson Paavo

Mother: Greta Autio

Name: Victoria Rose Provo

Birth: 4 Dec 1899 Ellenberg, Clinton Co., NY

Death: 2 Nov 1963 Rochester, Monroe Co., NY

Father: Phillip Provost

Mother: Cora Mae Duval

Name: John Wesley Provo

Birth: 24 Feb 1887 Jones, North Carolina

Death: 10 Jul 1967 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, USA

Father: James Wesley Provo

Mother: Phoebe Caroline Eubanks

Name: Antonio (Tony) Paolo

Birth: 26 Oct 1888 Gallo Matese, Provincia di Caserta, Campania, Italy

Death: 05 Dec 1962 Multnomah, Oregon, United States

Father: Pasquale PAOLO

Mother: Concetta Paolo

Name: Maggie Beatrice Provo

Birth: 21 Feb 1897 Elco, Alexander, Illinois, United States

Death: Feb 1974 Thebes, Alexander, Illinois, United States of America

Father: James Provo

Mother: Josephine LILLY

Name: Michele (Mike) Paolo

Birth: 29 Mar 1895 Vinchiaturo, Campobasso, Molise, Italy

Death: May 25, 1951 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon, USA

Father: Pasquale PAOLO

Mother: Concetta Paolo

Name: Leo Provo

Birth: 29 October 1897 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 23 November 1965 Somerset, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States

Father: James Provost or Provo

Mother: Clara Rivard

Name: James William Provo

Birth: 26 Dec 1925 Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA (alt-Auburn)

Death: 29 Apr 2000 Leominster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Leo Thomas Provo

Mother: Marie Clara Robidoux

Name: Jules C. Provo

Birth: 26 FEB 1887 Minnesota

Death: 29 May 1958 Wright, Minnesota, USA

Father: Thomas PROVO

Mother: Léontine Marie Lelogeais

Name: George Noah Provo

Birth: 22 Mar 1896 Redford, Clinton, New York, USA

Death: 29 Jan 1979 Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York

Father: Francois Xavier Provost

Mother: Victoria Defayette Provost

Name: Victoria Paivo

Birth: 20 NOV.1899 BRISTOL R.I.

Death: 2000 WARREN R.I.

Father: John Joseph Perry

Mother: Maria De Freitas

Name: Estelle Provo

Birth: 4 July 1914 Stewart, Houston County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 2 Jan 2014 Troy, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: William Calvin Provo

Mother: Sallie Powell Cole

Name: Armelia Marie Provo

Birth: 09 Mar 1878 White County, Indiana, USA

Death: 27 Dec 1926 Remington, Jasper, Indiana, USA

Father: Jeremiah Provo

Mother: Mary Marguerite Boudreau

Name: Donald J Provo

Birth: 25 Apr 1929 Minnesota

Death: 22 Dec 2000 Albert Lea, Freeborn, Minnesota

Father: Emery Joseph PROVO

Mother: Evelyn Marie Geyen

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