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Results for "omaeley"

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Name: George Moseley

Birth: 26 Feb 1918 OH, USA

Death: 18 May 2006 Steilacoom, Pierce, Washington

Father: George Oliver Moseley

Mother: Alice E Breyer

Name: Anthony Joseph O'Malley

Birth: 17 Oct 1873 Purranes,Ireland

Death: 1932 Watervliet, Albany, New York, USA

Father: Anthony O'Malley

Mother: Honoria Gavan

Name: Patrick O'Malley

Birth: 1830 Ireland

Death: 10 June 1886 Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States

Father: Robert O'Malley

Mother: Bridget

Name: Fred Douglas Moseley

Birth: 1883/09/25 Rutledge,Morgan,Georgia,USA

Death: 12 Apr 1925 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States

Father: Robert Edward Moseley

Mother: Sarah Leake Westervelt

Name: Annice Smalley

Birth: abt 1877 Illinois

Death: 16 Apr 1953 Los Angeles, California

Father: Robert Crofford Smalley

Mother: Sarah Hickman

Name: Clara F Smalley

Birth: 27 December 1906 Wisconsin

Death: 27 May 1997 Leavenworth, Chelan, Washington, USA

Father: Ernest Joseph Damour

Mother: Thekla Rugowski

Name: Marie D. O'Malley

Birth: 1904 Illinois

Death: 1955 Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa, USA

Father: Joseph B. Kingsley

Mother: Rose Scully

Name: Laura Moseley

Birth: 8 Nov 1846 , Marshall, Ms

Death: 1 Jul 1891 Burke County, North Carolina

Father: George Hamilton Moseley - cemetery?

Mother: Mary Tate

Name: Pauline Bernice OMalley

Birth: 12 Jun 1901 Geneva, Ontario, New York

Death: 28 Jul 1966 Washington, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia, USA

Father: Patrick O'Malley

Mother: Mary White

Name: Augusta Moseley

Birth: 5 Jul 1866 Ohio County, Kentucky

Death: 8 Feb 1948 Sulpher Springs, Ohio, Kentucky

Father: Elijah Perry Moseley

Mother: Susannah Bean Medcalf

Name: John Warner Smalley

Birth: 22 APR 1910 Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA

Death: 12 Mar 1966 Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States

Father: James Henderson Smalley

Mother: Louella Caroline Warner

Name: James Lott Smalley

Birth: 19 NOV 1844 Kent (Farmers Mills), Putnam Co., NY

Death: 9 Feb 1917 Golden's Bridge, Westchester, New York, United States

Father: Joseph Wright Smalley

Mother: Amelia M Mead

Name: John Wilbert Moseley

Birth: abt 1903 Painesville, Lake, Ohio

Death: May 1968 Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Father: Roland Moseley

Mother: Luna Anna Buys

Name: Willie Moseley

Birth: 10 Sep 1918 Texas

Death: 30 September 2011 Cleveland, Liberty, Texas, USA

Father: Everilla Jefferson

Mother: Edgar Mosley

Name: Stephen E Smalley

Birth: January 29, 1901 Ohio, USA

Death: May 20, 1969 Adams County, Ohio, USA

Father: John M Smalley

Mother: Alice M Boles or Bowles

Name: Roland E. Smalley

Birth: 17 Jul 1903 Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin

Death: 4 Dec 1983 St Joseph, Berrien, Michigan

Father: Irwin Delos Smalley

Mother: Elizabeth Mason

Name: Mary (Polly) Moseley

Birth: 23 Jan 1807 Elbert, Morgan County, Georgia, USA

Death: 27 Jun 1895 Henry, Georgia, United States

Father: Benjamin K Moseley

Mother: Clary Graves Morrison

Name: Elizabeth Moseley

Birth: 27 March 1857 Stockport,Lancashire, England

Death: October 1900 Stockport, Cheshire, , England

Father: Henry Moseley

Mother: Sarah Scarlett

Name: Thomas Moseley

Birth: 1784 Worcestershire, England

Death: October 1859 Throckmorton, Fladbury, Worcestershire, England

Father: George Moseley

Mother: Mary MANDER

Name: John Henry Smalley

Birth: 1844 Michigan

Death: 11 August 1920 Pekin, Tazewell County, Illinois, USA

Father: James LANGSTAFF Smalley

Mother: Irene Waite / Wait

Name: Patrick J O'Malley

Birth: abt 1881 Eire

Death: About 1945 Olyphant, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Patrick O'Malley

Mother: Catherine Flynn

Name: Joseph Moseley

Birth: 1761 Staffordshire, England

Death: Nov 6, 1814 Keyham, Leicestershire, England

Father: John Moseley

Mother: Letitia Cooper

Name: Ross franklin Moseley

Birth: abt 1883 Nebraska

Death: Mar, 1970 Jerome County, Idaho, USA

Father: Franklin Pierce Moseley

Mother: Louisa Beer

Name: Mildred P Smalley

Birth: 18 Feb 1913 Coshocton, Coshocton Co., Oh., USA

Death: Dec 1991 MT Vernon, Knox, Ohio

Father: George Franklin Smalley

Mother: Pearl Mcdowell

Name: Earl Clarence Smalley

Birth: 9 Mar 1901 Ohio

Death: 12 Jun 1996 Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Father: Charles Elmer Smalley

Mother: Lillian Austen

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