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Results for "okedas"

Name: Charles Okedas

Birth: 19 Jun 1915 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Death: 6 Apr 2007 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Father: Geo Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Birth: 22 Oct 1913 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 29 Aug 1952 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: George Okedas

Birth: 1903 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1942 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Irwin Alfred Okedas

Birth: 9 June 1923 Pennsylvania

Death: 12 November 2011 md

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Esther O'Kedas

Birth: abt 1932 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1981 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Esther Armstead

Name: Herbert O'Kedas

Birth: 19 Jun 1915 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 6 Apr 2007 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Alonzo Okedas

Birth: abt 1904 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Death: 19 Feb 1924 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Aurelia Marie Okedas

Birth: 13 Mar 1933 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 24 Feb 2007 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Esther Armstead

Name: Aurelia Okedas

Birth: abt 1907 Pennsylvania

Death: 7 Oct 1924 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Deloris Emily O'Kedas

Birth: 13 Jan 1935 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Mar 1935 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Esther Armstead

Name: Olive O Kedas

Birth: 23 Apr Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Esther Armstead

Name: Olive Okedas

Birth: 8 July 1909 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Bernadette Elizabeth O'Kedas

Birth: Not Available Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Sep 2006 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Esther Armstead

Name: Frank O'Kedas

Birth: 19 Jun 1908 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: George Okedas

Mother: Emily Stevenson

Name: Olive Cecilia Okedas

Birth: 23 Apr 1936 Pennsylvania

Death: 28 Oct 1998

Father: Leroy Frederich O'Kedas

Mother: Private

Name: Leroy Okedas

Birth: 10/22/1915 Pennsylvania

Death: 29 Aug 1952 Holy Cross Cememtary

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: George Okedas

Birth: 22 May 1874 Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Death: 1948 Atco, New Jersey, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Leroy Okedas

Birth: 16 Feb 1941 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Sep 2005 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Aurelia O'Kedas

Birth: 1880 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: George O'Kedas

Birth: 1870 Uruguay

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: George Okedas

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Lydia Okedas

Birth: 10 April 1923

Death: 28 June 2010 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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