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Results for "odzea"

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Name: Lawrence Patrick Odea

Birth: 07 August 1919 Fort Pierre, South Dakota

Death: 15 Jan 1997 Dallas, Texas

Father: Thomas O'Dea

Mother: Anna Helen Theel

Name: Mary ODea

Birth: 1873 Ballynacally, Ireland, United Kingdom

Death: 26 Feb 1971 New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York, United States

Father: John J. O'Dea (aka O'Day)

Mother: Maggie Margaret Geary

Name: Michael Patrick Odea

Birth: 31 Mar 1886 New York

Death: May, 1978 Tonawanda, Erie, New York, United States of America

Father: James O'Dea

Mother: Mary Ann Darsey

Name: Donnie Odea

Birth: 13 Dec 1904 Talco, Titus Co, TX

Death: 01 Apr 1999 Paris, Lamar Co, TX

Father: Clanton Fulton O'Dea

Mother: Mary Vinson

Name: Thomas J Odea

Birth: 19 May 1929 New York

Death: 11 Aug 1975 Binghamton, Broome, New York, USA

Father: William Walter O'Dea

Mother: Catherine M Quick

Name: John Francis Odea

Birth: 2 Apr 1879 Atlantic, Cass, Iowa, USA

Death: 21 May 1943 Los Angeles

Father: Andrew James O'Dea

Mother: Mary Jane Costello

Name: Agnes Vincent ODea

Birth: 14 June 1894 Butler, Morris, New Jersey

Death: Abt. 1970 California, USA

Father: Nicholas O'Dea

Mother: Jennie Westervelt

Name: Thomas ODea

Birth: June 25, 1867 Warren Minnesota

Death: 26 Feb 1954 Goshen, Elkhart, Indiana, United States

Father: Stephen O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Kain

Name: Francis M. Odea

Birth: 8 Oct 1919 South Dakota

Death: 21 March 2002 Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, United States

Father: Michael ODea

Mother: Gertrude Babcock

Name: Mae J Odea

Birth: 20 June 1931 Cottonwood, SD

Death: 13 Oct 2008 Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, USA

Father: Michael ODea

Mother: Gertrude Babcock

Name: Nora Odea

Birth: 15 May 1895 United States

Death: 19 Nov 1966 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

Father: Martin O'Grady

Mother: Bridget Kearney

Name: Thomas Odea

Birth: 1864 Ireland

Death: 20 Mar 1927 New York City, New York, USA

Father: Patrick O’Dea

Mother: Ann O’Dea

Name: James P Odea

Birth: 10 Oct 1916 Massachusetts

Death: 15 Oct 1991 Boynton Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Father: Martin F O'Dea

Mother: Nora T BURKE

Name: Lucy Margaret ODea

Birth: 13 Feb 1861 Staunton, Augusta, Virginia, USA

Death: 7 Nov 1926 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Father: John O'DEA

Mother: Margaret CUMBER

Name: Elizabeth M ODea

Birth: 14 May 1898 Kirkwood, Broome, New York, United States

Death: 10 Dec 1991 Broome, New York, United States

Father: Dennis O'Dea

Mother: Mary Ann McCabe

Name: John Odea

Birth: abt 1909 USA

Death: Feb 1959 New York, New York, USA

Father: Peter Paul O' Dea

Mother: Lillian Margaret Burke O’Dea

Name: Martin Odea

Birth: Oct 1854 Clarecastle, County Clare, Ireland

Death: 24 Jan 1936 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Father: Denis O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Mcnamara

Name: John Odea

Birth: 18 Nov 1882 Village of Boonton, Pequannock Twp., Morris Co., NJ

Death: Dec 1965 Butler, Morris Co., NJ

Father: Michael O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Donohue

Name: James Edward Odea

Birth: 1849 Alabama, USA

Death: 1895 Texas, USA

Father: Andrew O'Dea

Mother: Linthy UNK

Name: John Odea

Birth: 19 Aug 1919 Columbus, Ohio, USA

Death: 12 Nov 2005 Reynoldsburg, Franklin, Ohio

Father: John O'Dea

Mother: Blanche Elizabeth Meyer

Name: James Joseph Odea

Birth: 28 Sep 1896 Ontario, Canada

Death: 7 Apr 1977 Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States of America

Father: Michael C O'Dea

Mother: Ceceila Dillon

Name: Henrietta "Yetta" Odze

Birth: 1904 New York, USA

Death: 2 May 2001 Flushing, Queens, New York

Father: Solomon Odze

Mother: Ruchel Rappaport

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