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Results for "o'loane"

Name: Daniel O'Loane

Birth: 28 August 1838 Ontario, Canada

Death: 16 Apr 1918 Kent County, Ontario, Canada

Father: James O'Loane

Mother: Christiana Rebecca Smith

Name: William Patrick O'LOANE

Birth: abt 1905 New York

Death: 25 Feb 1989 Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Daniel O'Loane

Mother: Catherine McGarry

Name: Anita O'Loane

Birth: abt 1914 Louisiana

Death: 04Jun1990 Bellevue, King, Washington, USA

Father: Joseph Leonce Millet

Mother: Anita Keller

Name: Mary J. O'Loane

Birth: Aug 1827 ireland

Death: 27 Jan 1909 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Patrick O'Loane

Mother: Catherine O'Neil

Name: Doris J. O'Loane

Birth: 14 Nov 1929 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Death: 10 Jun 2006

Father: La O'Loane

Mother: Clara Krüger

Name: George J O'Loane

Birth: May 1867 Canada

Death: 14 Sept 1923 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Father: James O'Loane

Mother: Harriet Fleta Kiely

Name: Ethel Kathleen O'loane

Birth: 13 Nov 1884 Augathella, Queensland, Australia

Death: 6 January 1955 Charters Towers

Father: Michael Daniel Alone

Mother: Theresa Keogh

Name: Minnie O'Loane

Birth: 19 Jun 1863 Ontario

Death: 8 Apr 1940 Chatham, Kent, Ontario, Canada

Father: Daniel Oloane

Mother: Emily Mattice

Name: Brenda Maureen O'Loane

Birth: 7 May 1943 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Death: 18 Aug 1993 North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Father: James O'Loane

Mother: Marie McDonald

Name: William O'Loane

Birth: 1938 New York

Death: Not Available

Father: William Patrick O'LOANE

Mother: Jeane Alameda GUNDERSON

Name: Consuelo O'Loane

Birth: 25 January 1926

Death: 19 January 2019

Father: Gregorio Morales

Mother: Adela Delgado

Name: Susan O'Loane

Birth: Not Available ireland

Death: Not Available

Father: Patrick O'Loane

Mother: Catherine O'Neil

Name: Mae O'Loane

Birth: 1882 Canada

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: James O'Loane

Birth: Not Available

Death: 5 NOV 1851

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Jane O'Loane

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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