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Results for "navas"

Name: Calisto Caleb Navas

Birth: Nov 1858 Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras, California, USA

Death: Aft. 4 Jan 1900 Murphys, Calaveras, California, USA

Father: Jose N Navas

Mother: Antonia (Harriet) Loomis (Navas)

Name: Pedro Navas

Birth: 06 Jun 1893 Hatillo, Puerto Rico, USA

Death: 26 Aug 1957 Alameda County, California, USA

Father: Manuel Rodríguez Rosado

Mother: Severiana Navas Gómez De Rodríguez

Name: Charles A Navas

Birth: January 1927 New York

Death: 19 Aug 2011 Selden, Suffolk, New York

Father: Pasquale (Patsy) Navas

Mother: Josephine Josie Pomposello

Name: Jose Roberto Navas

Birth: 13 May 1925 Nicaragua

Death: 1991 Tucson, Arizona, USA

Father: Joaquin Navas Sacasa

Mother: Blanca Herrera Toruño de Navas

Name: Inez Guadalupe Navas

Birth: 1879 Carrizales, Hatillo, Puerto Rico, USA

Death: 20 Septiembre 1957 213 Calle del Cristo, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Father: JOSÉ NAVAS y Roqué Cabalin

Mother: Isabel Clotilde Rodriguez Rosado

Name: William Navas

Birth: 20 Jul 1891 Murphys Cala, California

Death: 10 Mar 1948 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA

Father: Calisto Caleb Navas

Mother: Lena Guerra

Name: Eloisa Navas

Birth: abt 1901 Puerto Rico

Death: 17 Oct 1995 Dade, Florida, United States

Father: Reimunedo Sanchez Y Cortez

Mother: Adulia Fonfria Y Anavitate De Sanchez

Name: Irene Navas

Birth: 16 Oct 1934 Decoto, Union City, California, USA

Death: 04 Jan 2011 Reno, Washoe, Nevada

Father: Pedro Rodríguez Navas

Mother: Antonia Munoz Manuez Manes Nunos Navas

Name: Gabriel NAVAS

Birth: 1861 Calaveras, California, United States

Death: 02 DEC 1898 Murphy's, Calaveras County, California

Father: Jose N Navas

Mother: Antonia (Harriet) Loomis (Navas)

Name: John Navas

Birth: 1910 Kansas

Death: 19 Oct 1987 Los Angeles

Father: Rafael Navas

Mother: Yvonne Kleczkowska

Name: John Navas

Birth: 7/30/1932 Long Island City, Queens, New York, USA

Death: 3 November 2015 Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Father: Pasquale (Patsy) Navas

Mother: Josephine Josie Pomposello

Name: Ferdando Navas

Birth: 1901 Puerto Rico, USA

Death: 1968 New Jersey, USA

Father: Juan Francisco Navas

Mother: Cancel y Valle

Name: Manuel Navas

Birth: 15 Dec 1925 Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Death: 22 Oct 2006 Castro Valley, California, USA

Father: Pedro Rodríguez Navas

Mother: Antonia Munoz Manuez Manes Nunos Navas

Name: George Navas

Birth: 7 Jan 1894 Pamplona, Cesar, Colombia

Death: 20 May 1950 Bogoa, Colomiba, South America

Father: Otoniel Navas

Mother: Mercedes Prada

Name: Alice Navas

Birth: 16 May 1922 Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Death: 18 Nov 1998 San Leandro, Alameda, California, USA

Father: Pedro Rodríguez Navas

Mother: Antonia Munoz Manuez Manes Nunos Navas

Name: Casimero Navas

Birth: abt 1879 Madrid, Spain

Death: Abt 1938 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Caroue Navas

Mother: Maria Chacon

Name: Isabella Torres Navas

Birth: 12 Mar 1912 Havi, Hawaii

Death: 23 Feb 1993 Alameda County, California USA

Father: Pedro Rodríguez Navas

Mother: Mary Blossom Torres

Name: Annie Carol Navas

Birth: 10/01/1945 New York

Death: 30 July 2014

Father: Pasquale (Patsy) Navas

Mother: Josephine Josie Pomposello

Name: Biaggio Navas

Birth: 27 Mar 1872 Italy

Death: 3 Nov 1933 Queens, New York, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Rose Rose

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