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Results for "navarra"

Name: Salvatore Frank Navarra

Birth: 11 Jul 1909 Indiana, United States

Death: 29 May 1961 Greensburg, Decatur, Indiana, USA

Father: Michael Navarra

Mother: Castrenzia Millazzo

Name: Alexander Peter Navarra

Birth: 19 Nov 1918 Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Death: 21 Apr 1995 Bronx, New York

Father: Paquinto F Navarro

Mother: Mary Victoria Midghall Bello Navarra Puente

Name: Anthoney Navarra

Birth: 1875 Italy

Death: 31 Mar 1946 New Orleans , , Louisiana, USA

Father: Leon Navarra

Mother: Maria Roppollo

Name: Mary Navarra

Birth: 24 Dec 1904 Paulina, St James, Louisiana, USA

Death: 02 Sep 1994 Kenner, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA

Father: Anthony Navarra

Mother: Annie Chetta

Name: Andrew C Navarra

Birth: abt 1911 Pennsylvania

Death: 22 August 1997 New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Ernest Navarra

Mother: Anna Cossentine

Name: Rosalia Navarra

Birth: 15 Feb 1870 Trabia, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

Death: 25 Apr 1942 San José, Santa Clara, California, USA

Father: Domenico Navarra

Mother: Giuseppa Schillaci

Name: Vincent Frank NAVARRA

Birth: 21 JUL 1921 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA

Death: 10 Jan 1994 San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, USA

Father: Anthony (Tony) Navarra

Mother: Francesca "Frances" Graziano

Name: Domonic Navarra

Birth: 9 April 1855 Italy

Death: 8 Aug 1923 California, USA

Father: Antonino Navarra

Mother: Vincenzo (Vincent) Cancilla

Name: Santo Navarra

Birth: 28 Apr 1891 Trapia, Italy

Death: 19 Nov 1966 San Francisco County, California, United States of America

Father: Santo 'Sam' Navarra (Novarro)

Mother: Leonarda (Leonara) Scalia

Name: Giuseppe Joseph Navarra

Birth: abt 1896 California

Death: 9 Mar 1970 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA

Father: Santo 'Sam' Navarra (Novarro)

Mother: Leonarda (Leonara) Scalia

Name: Mary Navarra

Birth: 14 Aug 1904 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 1 April 1997 San Mateo County, California, United States of America

Father: Guiseppe Navarra

Mother: Gaetana (Jennie) Rosciano

Name: Providenza NAVARRA

Birth: abt 1917 California

Death: 30 Jan 2000 Gilroy, Santa Clara, California, United States of America

Father: Anthony (Tony) Navarra

Mother: Francesca "Frances" Graziano

Name: Josephin Navarra

Birth: 19 Mar 1870 Lafayette, Lafayette, LA

Death: 28 May 1955 Evangeline, Louisiana, USA

Father: Emmanuel Domingue

Mother: Marie Carmelite Albarado

Name: Epifano J Navarra

Birth: 10 May 1882 Sicily, Italy

Death: 21 June 1947 St. John the Baptist Parish

Father: Leon Navarra

Mother: Maria Roppollo

Name: Angelo John Navarra

Birth: 1923 San Francisco, California

Death: Feb 2009 Redding, California

Father: Santo Navarra

Mother: Josephine Guardino

Name: Armand Navarra

Birth: 17 Feb 1891 Benevento, Benevento, Campania, Italy

Death: 17 August 1971 El Monte, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Father: Vincenzo Navarra

Mother: Barbara Porpora

Name: Thomas Joseph Navarra

Birth: 3 April 1894 Louisiana

Death: 1957/10/06 Baldwin, LA

Father: Rudolphe Thomas Navarro

Mother: Marie Evalina Caillouet

Name: Antonio "Tony" Navarra

Birth: 13 Sep 1895 Trabia, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

Death: 26 Jan 1971 San Mateo County, California, USA

Father: Antonino Navarra

Mother: Salvatora Scaletta

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