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Results for "jma"

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Name: james Ray jam

Birth: 29 Oct 1927 Minnesota

Death: 29 May 1954 Itasca County, Minnesota, USA

Father: John JAM

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Childs

Name: Charles A. Ama

Birth: Sep 1866 Wisconsin, United States,

Death: 24 Aug 1959 Iowa

Father: Herman M Ama

Mother: WILHELMINA Stabel - Ama, Amma

Name: Nelvin Jama

Birth: 17 Dec 1922 Campbell, Kentucky, United States

Death: 16 Jul 1999 Cincinnati, Hamilton, USA

Father: Albert R Jama

Mother: Anna Erpenbeck

Name: Alice Oma

Birth: 13 September 1889 Kansas, United States of America

Death: 13 December 1984 Anacortes, Skagit, Washington, USA

Father: Henry Harrison Canfield

Mother: Melissa A Hawkins

Name: Emily Rosie Jam

Birth: 16 Aug 1918 Gardnerville, Douglas, Nevada, USA

Death: 12 Feb 1981 Reno, Washoe, Nevada, USA

Father: Batista Yam

Mother: Emilia Rose Mastelotto

Name: Edith Claire Ama

Birth: 31 July 1919 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 27 Nov 2006 Winchester, Vilas, Wisconsin

Father: Henry Gustaf Ama

Mother: Mary Patricia REMMEL (Ama)

Name: MInnie Augusta Ama

Birth: June 7, 1899 Iowa

Death: 22 Apr 1964 Mora,Kanabec, Minnesota

Father: Charles Albert Ama

Mother: Julia Angeline Yost

Name: Lola V Ama

Birth: 20 Feb 1917 New York

Death: 26 May 2004 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA

Father: John Napoleon Amo

Mother: Florence N Baker (Amo)

Name: Francis Ejma

Birth: abt 1910 Illinois

Death: 12 Jan 2000 Englewood CO

Father: Stanley Ejma

Mother: Berniece Krasinska

Name: Shulem Jam

Birth: 15 Mar 1850 Kamionka, Lubartów, Lubelskie, Poland

Death: 10 Dec 1918 Queens, Queens, New York, USA

Father: Moses Jame

Mother: Sarah Goldpart Jame

Name: Oma

Birth: 11 Oct 1904 West Virginia

Death: 09 Oct 1996 Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio

Father: James Riley Roberts

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Riggs Roberts

Name: Hassyn Juma Juma

Birth: 2 Jul 1888 Rfid, Arabia

Death: May 1978 Orting, Pierce, Washington, USA

Father: Ollie Juma

Mother: Thobley Forshart

Name: Rickel (Rachel) Jam

Birth: May 1850 , Galicia, Austrian Empire

Death: Oct 07, 1937 1715 Townsend Ave, Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Sam Yamin

Mother: Chai Cohen

Name: Ella E Oma

Birth: abt 1896 Wisconsin

Death: 07 Nov 1960 Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, USA

Father: Louis Oma

Mother: Anna Karolina Stark

Name: George Ama

Birth: 13 May 1953 Mapusaga, Western, American Samoa, Polynesia

Death: 25 March 2015 Bruns House, Alamo, Contra Costa, California, USA

Father: George Fanene Ama

Mother: Siale Fa'aulufalega Mafi

Name: Anna Mae Joa

Birth: abt 1930 Wisconsin

Death: 1 Aug 1995 Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Curt Joa

Mother: Martha Frieda Rydberg

Name: Elsa Joa

Birth: 1911 New Jersey

Death: 18 Feb 1994 De Leon Springs, Volusia, Florida, USA

Father: Josef Anders Hedman

Mother: Edla Maria Anderson

Name: Magdalen (Toot) Ama

Birth: 26 Sept 1917 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 1965 Milwaukee

Father: Henry Gustaf Ama

Mother: Mary Patricia REMMEL (Ama)

Name: Ida Jam

Birth: 19 May 1903 Rzeszow, Poland

Death: 1 Dec 1996 Urbana, Illinois, USA

Father: Joseph Iksiel Jam

Mother: Memel Jam

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