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Results for "ipe"

Name: Ananias Ipe

Birth: 30 Sep 1872/1873 Oak Grove, Indiana

Death: 17 September 1944 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, USA

Father: Henry Ipe

Mother: Elizabeth Sternberg

Name: Olevia Amelia Ipe

Birth: 22 September 1851 Michigan

Death: 14 Jan 1906 Boardman, Kalkaska, Michigan, USA

Father: Frederick Ipe

Mother: Hannah McFall

Name: Murray Ipe

Birth: 15 Jul 1894 Nappanee, Elkhart Co., Indiana, USA

Death: Jan 1969 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America

Father: Ananias Ipe

Mother: Delia Hughes

Name: Andrew Ipe

Birth: 10 September 1832 Ohio

Death: 16 March 1908 Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA

Father: Jacob Ipe

Mother: Sarah Shafer

Name: Edward P Ipe

Birth: 30 Aug 1909 Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio

Death: 13 Apr 1970 Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio

Father: Edward F Ipe

Mother: Ora Etta Zedaker

Name: Betsey Ann Ipe

Birth: 1846 Ohio, USA

Death: 8 Aug 1888 Michigan, USA

Father: Jacob Ipe

Mother: Sarah Shafer

Name: Mary Jane Ipe

Birth: 15 APR 1852 Mahoning, Ohio, USA

Death: Nov 12, 1904 Locke, Cayuga, New York, USA

Father: Washington Ipe

Mother: Susannah ROOSE

Name: Ira Ipe

Birth: abt 1896 Ohio

Death: 22 Jan 1972 Mahoning, Ohio, United States

Father: Ira Stuart Ipe

Mother: Minnie Harris

Name: Dorothy M Ipe

Birth: 1913 Kansas, USA

Death: 1 Feb 1995 Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USA

Father: John Cassius Ipe

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Haney (Hanny)

Name: Caroline Ipe

Birth: Jun 1853 Michigan

Death: 5 Mar 1933 Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA

Father: Frederick Ipe

Mother: Hannah McFall

Name: Simon P Ipe

Birth: abt 1866 Indiana

Death: Bet 1936=1940 Elkhart, Indiana

Father: Henry Ipe

Mother: Elizabeth Sternberg

Name: Nellie G Ipe

Birth: 23 Oct 1897 Nappanee, Indiana

Death: 6 Oct 1960 Mishawaka, St Joseph, Indiana, USA

Father: Edward Harvey Ipe

Mother: Loudia O Teeter

Name: Eva M Ipe

Birth: 31 May 1892 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio

Death: September 1967 Charlotte County, Florida, USA

Father: George Malcolm Ipe

Mother: Susan A Meehan

Name: David Stuart Ipe

Birth: Aug 22, 1929 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA

Death: Mar 15 2002 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA

Father: Ira Ipe

Mother: Jessie Marjorie Hartwell

Name: Lawrence L Ipe

Birth: 7 Feb 1926 Centralia, Chehalis, Lewis, Washington, USA

Death: 31 Jul 2010

Father: Leonard Earl Ipe

Mother: Maude May Miller

Name: James Ipe

Birth: 30 May 1961 Indiana, USA

Death: 17 Sep 2015 St Louis Park, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: William James IPE

Mother: Emma Marie Metzger

Name: Edna Ipe

Birth: 12 Nov 1893 Boardman, Mahoning, Ohio

Death: 3 May 1968

Father: John Cassius Ipe

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Haney (Hanny)


Birth: 1913 Ohio, USA

Death: 20 JAN 1947 Boardman, Mahoning Co, OH

Father: Edward F Ipe

Mother: Ora Etta Zedaker

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