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Results for "iovine"

Name: Rosa Iovine

Birth: 1872 ITALY

Death: 13 September 1952 Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, United States of America

Father: Giuseppe Vincenzo IOVINE

Mother: Maria Carmela Martoccia

Name: Maria Gaetana Iovine

Birth: abt 1865 Italy

Death: 8 December 1932 Fitchburg,Worcester,Massachusetts,MA

Father: Biase "Biagio" Iovine

Mother: Maria Carmela Lepore

Name: James Iovine

Birth: 11 Feb 1924 Bell County, Kentucky

Death: 7 Jun 2006 Fort Pierce, Saint Lucie, Florida

Father: charles iovine

Mother: Charles Joseph Iovine

Name: Theresa Iovine

Birth: 1899 ITALY

Death: 11 Jul 1967 Union, Union, New Jersey, USA

Father: Pasquale Iovine

Mother: Mary Volpe

Name: Fred Iovine

Birth: 1883 Italy

Death: 2 Feb 1962 Bellefonte, Centre County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Diamante Iovine

Mother: Maria Pietroniro

Name: Vincent Iovine

Birth: 18 Aug 1912 Bklyn, New York

Death: 09 Nov 2001 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

Father: Louis Iovine

Mother: Theresa Scotto (Scotto Di Perrotolo)

Name: pasquale iovine

Birth: 1916 New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Death: 9 Apr 1997 East Haven, Connecticut, USA

Father: Francesco Iovine

Mother: Giovanna (Jennie) Appicella

Name: Catherine Iovine

Birth: abt 1902 Italy

Death: 26 Oct 1968 Rosedale, New York

Father: Tommaso (Thomas) Madera

Mother: Rosaria Spina

Name: Francesco Iovine

Birth: 23 Mar 1887 Atrani, Salerno, Italy

Death: 06 Nov 1967 East Haven, New Haven County, CT, USA

Father: Pasquale Iovine

Mother: Fortunata (Florence) Esposito

Name: Eleanor Frances IOVINE

Birth: 12 Dec 1925 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Death: 26 Jan 1984 Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, USA

Father: Ralph Angelo Iovine

Mother: Eleanor F HILL

Name: Anna Iovine

Birth: 9 May 1926 Bklyn Kings, New York

Death: 28 Mar 2007 Brooklyn, Kings, New York

Father: Louis Iovine

Mother: Theresa Scotto (Scotto Di Perrotolo)

Name: Grace Iovine

Birth: 20 Sep 1931 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

Death: 10 Jul 2016 Long Island, New York, USA

Father: Ernest Iovine

Mother: Ernestina*# Scotti

Name: Ciro Iovine

Birth: 14 March 1932 Brooklyn, New York

Death: 22 March 1982 Brooklyn, New York

Father: Joseph Iovine

Mother: Susie Iovine

Name: Florence Jean Iovine

Birth: 1921 New York

Death: 12 Mar 2013 Westbury, Nassau, New York, USA

Father: Antonio Iovine

Mother: Mary Filomena Pellizzi

Name: Angelo Iovine

Birth: abt 1894 Italy

Death: Jan 1977 Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, USA

Father: Leonardo Antonio Tovino

Mother: Domenica Di Cristofaro

Name: Connie Iovine

Birth: 02 May 1922 New York

Death: 24 Jun 1984 Brooklyn New York, Kings County

Father: Luigi Iovine

Mother: Theresa Scotto (Scotto Di Perrotolo)

Name: Fortumata Iovine

Birth: 04 Apr 1918 East Haven, New Haven County, CT, USA

Death: 24 Oct 1997 East Haven, New Haven County, CT, USA

Father: Francesco Iovine

Mother: Giovanna (Jennie) Appicella

Name: Angeline Iovine

Birth: abt 1914 Massachusetts

Death: 18 Jan 2011 Orange County, Florida, United States of America

Father: Gennaro Iovine

Mother: Caroline Esposito

Name: Romeo L Iovine

Birth: 2 Jan 1898 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA

Death: 15 Jul 1969 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States of America

Father: Joseph D Iovine

Mother: Mary Columbia Deferrari

Name: Gail Iovine

Birth: 9 August 1935 Newark

Death: 20 August 2013

Father: Donald Iovine

Mother: Wealthy A Cain

Name: Caterina Iovine

Birth: 17 Mar 1855 Lapio, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 15 Oct 1885 Lapio, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Father: Biase "Biagio" Iovine

Mother: Maria Carmela Lepore

Name: Luigi Iovine

Birth: Abt. 1785 Lapio, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 28 Apr 1839 Lapio, Avellino, Italy

Father: Biagio Iovine

Mother: Angela Pasquale

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